[turba] Birthdays in kronolith

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon May 26 21:44:31 UTC 2008

Quoting Christian Mimberg <Maumi at gmx.de>:

> Hello.
> It was announced, that in the newest version it is possible to see  
> all birthdays from turba in kronolith. How can I manage that?

If your address book source in Turba contains a birthday field, it  
will automatically be available in Kronolith. In the collapsible  
"Calendars" section on the right hand side of the calendar view, you  
can show/hide external events from other applications such as Turba  
and Nag (Tasks).


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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