[turba] How to have shared global address book automatically displayed and used by default for email name expansion?

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jun 2 14:33:44 UTC 2008

Quoting gimili <gimili17 at gmail.com>:

> How to have shared global address book automatically displayed and used
> by default for email name expansion?  I want every user to be able to
> type a name and have it expand without having to go to options and add
> use the " Choose which address books to display, and in what order:"
> selection box.  Any help appreciated.

> Turba: H3(2.2)
> My different attempts in Turba prefs.php

The first attempt in your code fragment below is the closest to being  
correct.  I am assuming that 'localsql' is a 'shared' source.  If  
that's the case, then you cannot set that as a value in the prefs.   
The other share that you have set looks correct.  The other thing  
worth noting is that you must set that pref to locked if you wish to  
force these values to other users that may have already had an  
addressbook pref set...otherwise the already existing values will  
override your settings.

> // Address books to be displayed in the address book selection widget
> // and in the Browse menu item.  The address book name is stored using
> // the source key from sources.php (e.g. "localsql").  Separate
> // entries with "\n" , e. g. 'value' => "localsql\nlocalldap" (the
> // double quotes are REQUIRED).  If 'value' is empty (''), all address
> // books that the user has permissions to will be listed.
> $_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
> //  'value' => "localsql\n36c6ce6ed28fbce9a25201789599be61",
> //    'value' => 'localsql',
>     'value' => "localsql\nlocalsql:36c6ce6ed28fbce9a25201789599be61",
> //    'value' => '',
>     'locked' => false,
>     'shared' => false,
>     'type' => 'implicit',
> );
> --
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mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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