[turba] can´t create contact list

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Jun 17 14:11:26 UTC 2008

Quoting "Silvia Martins Baeder" <silvia at pqi.ep.usp.br>:

> Dear List,
> I can´t create contact list using
>      * Horde: 3.2
>      * Imp: H3 (4.2)
>      * Ingo: H3 (1.2)
>      * Passwd: H3 (3.0.1)
>      * Turba: H3 (2.2.1)
> I tried to solve comparing the file javascript.inc with the same file in
> http://cvs.horde.org/co.php?r=1.20&f=turba%2Ftemplates%2Fbrowse%2Fjavascript.inc
> but they are identical.

Well, what is it that makes you think it is an issue with the  
javascript.inc file?

> Everything else works well.
> Any help?

Sure, but we're going to need more info that "I can't create contact  
list".  What sources are you using, what steps are you taking to  
create the contact list, what errors, if any, in the horde log,  
webserver log, javascript console etc...


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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