[turba] localldap source not working

Dominique LALOT dom.lalot at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 13:46:42 UTC 2008

LALOT Dominique a écrit :
> LALOT Dominique a écrit :
> I'm just anwering to my question. Trying some other accounts showed me 
> that some users are able to use localldap
> One of them can browse and can search in compose
> another can browse but can't search in compose
> and for me as admin!: can't do nothing
> It's not easy to upgrade from an existing database..
> Is there some php scripts to tests permissions and detect problems?
In the table horde_prefs for turba addressbooks, I had 4 lines like:
adbf8cddd942d195cf686bcfdeccbc39 -> this one was good as it seemed that 
it points my real localsql adressbook
and some other that I removed using phpmyadmin

And guess what, localldap appeared again and I was able to search that 
source in compose.

UPDATE `horde_prefs` SET `pref_value` = 
'adbf8cddd942d195cf686bcfdeccbc39' WHERE 
CONVERT(`horde_prefs`.`pref_uid` USING utf8) = 'lalot' AND 
CONVERT(`horde_prefs`.`pref_scope` USING utf8) = 'turba' AND 
CONVERT(`horde_prefs`.`pref_name` USING utf8) = 'addressbooks' LIMIT 1

> Dom
>> Hello,
>> I don't know how to get localldap working.
>> It's not appearing under turba. I found something on the wiki about
>> permissions:
>> http://wiki.horde.org/AdminPerms
>> Turba 2.3 HordeGroupware 3.3
>> But it didn't help
>> testDom:~# grep localldap /tmp/horde.log
>> Nov 14 11:27:39 HORDE [debug] [imp] SQL Query by Prefs_sql::store(): 
>> horde_prefs SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_uid = ? AND pref_name = ? AND
>> pref_scope = ?, values: localldap  adbf8cddd942d195cf686bcfdeccbc39, 
>> lalot,
>> search_sources, imp [pid 627 on line 244 of
>> "/var/www/perso/horde-webmail-1.2/lib/Horde/Prefs/sql.php"]
>>   3 =>
>> 'a:3:{s:6:"source";s:9:"localldap";s:7:"default";b:1;s:4:"name";s:5:"lalot";}', 
>>   3 =>
>> 'a:3:{s:6:"source";s:9:"localldap";s:7:"default";b:1;s:4:"name";s:5:"lalot";}', 
>> testDom:~# grep localldap /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
>>                      65 Query       SELECT COUNT(*) FROM horde_perms 
>> perm_name = 'turba:sources:localldap'
>>                      65 Query       SELECT perm_id, perm_data FROM
>> horde_perms WHERE perm_name = 'turba:sources:localldap'
>> What could be the probem. It was working with a fresh new install.
>> I upgraded from our production environement, running update scripts 
>> and then
>> using mysqldiff.pl to upgrade scructures and something may be wrong 
>> but I'm
>> not able to find it.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Dom
>> Here is my sources.php
>> $cfgSources['localldap'] = array(
>>     'title' => 'Annuaire U2',
>>     'type' => 'ldap',
>>     'params' => array(
>>         'server' => 'annu.uni.fr anu.pr.uni.fr',
>>         'port' => 389,
>>         'root' => 'ou=people,dc=univmed,dc=fr',
>>         'dn' => array('dn'),
>>       'encoding' => 'utf8',
>>       'filter' =>
>> '&(mail=*)(|(objectclass=univmedperson)(objectclass=univmedpersdivers))', 
>>       'sizelimit' => 100,
>>       'scope' => 'one',
>>         'version' => 3
>>     ),
>>     'map' => array(
>>         '__key' => 'dn',
>>         'name' => 'cn',
>>         'alias' => 'givenname',
>>         'email' => 'mail',
>>         'workPhone' => 'telephonenumber',
>>     ),
>>     'search' => array(
>>          'name',
>>         #'email',
>>     ),
>>     'strict' => array('dn','mail'),
>>     'public' => true,
>>     'browse' => true,
>>     'export' => false,
>> );

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