[turba] Last name prefixes

Jaap Winius jwinius at umrk.nl
Thu Sep 23 12:27:37 UTC 2010

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> This is probably going to complicate the name building even more.

This was not something I had considered, but I can imagine that would  
be correct.

> Beside that, there is no counterpart in any address book software or  
> contact data format I know, that uses separate name parts for those.

That's a lame excuse. Just because other address books don't support  
this format doesn't mean that Turba shouldn't. There's nothing wrong  
with being "Euro-friendly" in this respect.

> We don't sort those names differently than other in Germany either.
> So I see how this could be useful for some, but I'm not sure if it's  
> worth the hassle, and if wouldn't maybe cause more problems than it  
> solves.

Well, I'll bet that it would appear innovative!

Thanks for your explanation.



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