[turba] additional contact fields and activesync
Michael J Rubinsky
mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Apr 26 23:09:47 UTC 2011
Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: turba-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:tuba-
>> bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Michael J Rubinsky
>> Ulli <ulli_um at arcor.de> wrote:
>> >I am trying to get more contact fields available in turba und sync
>> the
>> >contact over activesync to my android smartphone.
>> >
>> >generally the sync works fine with the default turba config.
>> >
>> >I need more than one e-mail and cell phone field in my contact
>> database
>> >I found both additional fields(workCellPhone, homeCellPhone,
>> >?workemail,
>> >?homeemail) in the attributes.php file of turba....therefore I added
>> >these fields to the "$cfgSources['localsql']"
>> >array of the "backends.php" file of turba.
>> >Afterwards I could save more information on each turba contact to
>> the
>> >sql database.
>> >
>> >But these new fields were not be synced over activesync to the
>> >smartphone?
>> >
>> >by the way, the smartphone does support this fields....
>> >--
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>> AS supports up to three email fields but they are not identified by
>> home or work. Only as email1 email2 and email3. Horde currently only
>> maps the email1 field. I could easily add more mappings, but we need
>> to get a concensus as to which AS email fields are mapped to which
>> turba fields.
>> Likewise, the two supported mobile phone fields are known as
>> mobilePhone and carPhone (no idea why)...and this is how my android
>> client refers to them. I know horde maps only one of those, though I
>> don't recall which one off hand.
>Voting/consensus and open source don't really go hand in hand...
I would disagree with you here in general, but that's another discussion ;)
What I mean in this case is that we should see what the majority of the clients out there treat/label these fields.
>I propose:
>email1 = Home
>email2 = Work
>email3 = Spare
What are these mappings based on, observed client behavior?
>mobilePhone = Private Cell
>carPhone* = Work Cell
>*carPhone is an MS legacy from their first attempt (early 90s) at
>Contact management back when car phones were more popular than cell
>phones (and cheaper to buy). It's been preserved ever since, but I
>haven't seen a car attached to a phone for years. At least not the way
>it was back then.
Yeah, figured it was legacy hold over.
Sent from mobile
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