[turba] additional contact fields and activesync

lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de lst_hoe02 at kwsoft.de
Wed Apr 27 08:11:48 UTC 2011

Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: turba-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:tuba-
>>> bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Michael J Rubinsky
>>> Ulli <ulli_um at arcor.de> wrote:
>>> >I am trying to get more contact fields available in turba und sync
>>> the
>>> >contact over activesync to my android smartphone.
>>> >
>>> >generally the sync works fine with the default turba config.
>>> >
>>> >I need more than one e-mail and cell phone field in my contact
>>> database
>>> >I found both additional fields(workCellPhone, homeCellPhone,
>>> >?workemail,
>>> >?homeemail) in the attributes.php file of turba....therefore I added
>>> >these fields to the "$cfgSources['localsql']"
>>> >array of the "backends.php" file of turba.
>>> >Afterwards I could save more information on each turba contact to
>>> the
>>> >sql database.
>>> >
>>> >But these new fields were not be synced over activesync to the
>>> >smartphone?
>>> >
>>> >by the way, the smartphone does support this fields....
>>> >--
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>>> AS supports up to three email fields but they are not identified by
>>> home or work. Only as email1 email2 and email3.  Horde currently only
>>> maps the email1 field.  I could easily add more mappings, but we need
>>> to get a concensus as to which AS email fields are mapped to which
>>> turba fields.
>>> Likewise, the two supported mobile phone fields are known as
>>> mobilePhone and carPhone (no idea why)...and this is how my android
>>> client refers to them. I know horde maps only one of those, though I
>>> don't recall which one off hand.
>> Voting/consensus and open source don't really go hand in hand...
> I would disagree with you here in general, but that's another discussion ;)
> What I mean in this case is that we should see what the majority of  
> the clients out there treat/label these fields.
>> I propose:
>> email1 = Home
>> email2 = Work
>> email3 = Spare
> What are these mappings based on, observed client behavior?

Some time ago i made a patch for SyncML part to match the Outlookish  
email1,2,3 to Turba and other clients. The problem is that the number  
of supported addresses differ and the sematics also. For the SyncML  
part we have choosen the following

email2 = HOME
email3 = WORK

email1 ist the default address for clients which don't support the  
HOME/WORK semantics or only have one address per contact. It is also  
used for addresses marked as PREFERED in vCard.

As far as i remember this is close to what Funambol does.



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