[turba] Problem with search in LDAP

Molina Eslava, Rafael rafael.molina.sspa at juntadeandalucia.es
Mon May 9 08:52:28 UTC 2011


   I have a problem with search in LDAP address book. I dont know if
problem is about configuration.

   I have configured a LDAP addressbook in backends.php as follow.

   When i go to turba module, and i pulse in search button, i select
"Corporativo" addressbook, i select "name" field,  i can search without
problems. The results are correct.

In "Address books" of turba and mail options, i have selected the
"Corporativo" address book for searchs.

   But, when i compose a new mail, when i write the same search in "To"
field, the search not working. However, if i do click in "To" word,
appears new windows to the search. Here yes work fine.

It fail me in dimp and imp (traditional).

The search work fine with my personal addressbook in sql.

   $cfgSources['localldap'] = array(
       // Disabled by default
       'disabled' => false,
       'title' => _("Corporativo"),
       'type' => 'ldap',
       'params' => array(
           'server' => '',
           'port' => 389,
           'tls' => false,
           'root' => '',
           'bind_dn' => '',
           'bind_password' => '',
           //'sizelimit' => 0,
           'dn' => array('cn'),
           'objectclass' => array('*'),
           //'scope' => 'sub',
           //'charset' => 'utf-8',
           //'checkrequired' => false,
           //'checkrequired_string' => ' ',
           //'checksyntax' => false,
           'version' => 3,
       'map' => array(
           '__key' => 'dn',
           'name' => 'cn',
           'email' => 'mail',
       'search' => array(
       'export' => true,
       'browse' => true,


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