[turba] Using evolution and webdav to create / modify contacts

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Oct 23 08:09:11 UTC 2013

Zitat von Mehmet Giritli <mgiritli at giritli.eu>:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Evolution with webdav backend to read, write and
> modify contacts stored on a sql addressbook. I can see contacts fine
> with this setup but I can not create new contacts or edit them. Apache
> server was throwing out 500 internal errors...Using tcpflow program I
> discovered that horde generates this error message:
> The method "put" is not defined in the API for turba
> So, is write support non-existent or I am missing some packages to
> install for horde?
> Thanks.

PUTting contacts is indeed only possible with CalDAV yet. If not  
adding this for plain WebDAV was an oversight, or just because there  
was no client so far that actually supported it, I'm not sure.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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