[turba] Vcard export/import with multiple email addresses

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Wed Jul 9 22:08:30 UTC 2014


Using the latest version of Turba, I'm having an issue with exporting  
and importing vcard data when a user has more that one email address.   
Does vcard only support one email address?

If I export my address book as csv, and import it as csv, I see the  
multiple email addresses listed under communications for my test user.  
  Using vcard, only 1 address is exported, thus 1 is only imported.

I have this in my attributes.local.php

//Turba override allow multiple email addresses per contact
/* Communication. */
$attributes['email'] = array(
     'label' => _("Email"),
     'type' => 'email',
     'required' => false,
     'params' => array('allow_multi' => true, 'strip_domain' => false,  
'link_compose' => true, 'link_name' => null, 'delimiters' => '
,', 'size' => null)

Is there something I'm missing wrt vcard support?

Thank you,

John Bennett

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