[turba] remove containers from sidebar - no sharing

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Fri Jun 12 13:56:17 UTC 2015

Quoting Ico Izquierdo <ico at cc.upv.es>:

> Hello,
> I'm migrating from a very old version. I've near all installed and  
> runnig but I don't understand how sidebar in turba works.
> There are configured two ldap directories and one Address Book  
> (localsql), and I don't wont sharing address books.
> I think I got it but they still appears "My Address Books" and  
> "Shared Address Books" containers with a legend "No items to  
> display", and I would like to remove, leaving allone the mentioned  
> items.
> Somebody can doing some like this?
> Thanks
> Config files:
> /horde/turba/config/backends.local.php:
> $cfgSources['localldap']['disabled'] = true;
> $cfgSources['personal_ldap']['disabled'] = true;
> $cfgSources['favourites']['disabled'] = true;
> $cfgSources['imsp']['disabled'] = true;
> /horde/config/conf.local.php
> $conf['share']['no_sharing'] = true;       //original false  1
> $conf['share']['auto_create'] = false;       //original true  2
> $conf['share']['world'] = false;             //original true  4
> $conf['share']['any_group'] = false;        //original false
> $conf['share']['hidden'] = true;           //original false  3
> $conf['share']['cache'] = false;            //original false


$cfgSources['localsql']['use_shares'] = false;

The Horde Project
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