[turba] filtering and using contacts

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Feb 17 01:16:35 UTC 2016

Quoting Iain Mac Donald <turba at picturenow.co.uk>:

> On the Turba page on the website[1] it states that: "You can create
> distribution lists from your addressbooks, which are handled
> transparently by IMP".
> The tools, I have found, in Turba are: Tags, Virtual Address Books and
> Contact Lists but I can't see how to create distribution lists using any
> of these tools.
> I realise the version I am testing is about a year old but a quick
> check of the recent changelogs doesn't mention anything about
> distribution lists. Is there some configuration that needs to be set to
> enable distribution lists?
> Any help or suggestions appreciated.
> Regards,
> Iain.
> I am using Turba 4.2.2, Horde 5.2.2 and PHP5 from Debian Jessie.
> [1]
> http://www.horde.org/apps/turba
> --
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They are called "Contact Lists" in Turba, and you create them by  
selecting the contacts you want and clicking "Add to a Contact List"  
from the drop down menu in the address book header.

The Horde Project
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