[turba] lost global address book on schema update

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue Aug 23 14:43:29 UTC 2016

Quoting Sebastian Birnbach <birnbacs at gmail.com>:

> Dear all,
> I just updated my db schemas for all the applications I updated a couple of
> weeks ago. Upon this, many things stopped working. I needed to introduce a
> bunch of new permissions to get most applications going again.
> However, I still have serious trouble with Turba. The global address book
> does not show up anymore, for any user. I can see that the data is still in
> the mySQL database but access from Horde is off.
> I am using a configuration where everybody is working on a global
> addressbook (living in the local mySQL database). Private databases are
> disabled by setting use_shares in backends.local.php to false. I enclose
> the backends.local.php file for reference.
> I rarely touch the horde configuration so I may be overlooking something
> very basic or very stupid. Any help is much appreciated!
> Kind regards
>   Sebastian

Look in the server and/or horde log for errors. Since this happened  
after a schema upgrade, my guess is there is some SQL query that is  

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