[whups] Having configuration problems with Whups Head version.

Jon Parise jon@horde.org
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:34:21 -0400

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 08:52:07AM -0700, Edwin Culp wrote:

> Does anyone have Whups head version working?

We (the Horde team) have made a decision to start moving our
internal bug tracking to Whups in the near future, so work will
definitely progres on it at a faster pace.

I'm not sure who, if any, actually has it up and running such
that it is being used often, though.

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Information Technology (B.S.)
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member