[whups] sql query
Mathieu Arnold
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 22:28:55 +0100
--On jeudi 7 mars 2002 14:40 -0500 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org> wrote:
> Quoting Mathieu Arnold <arn_mat@club-internet.fr>:
>> there is no + between texts fields in sql. if you need to concat them,
>> you need to use ||
> ... though that doesn't work in all databases, either. I've moved that
> particular logic to PHP code.
> Do the joins work in Postgres?
yup, that was the only thing wrong in all HEAD horde code that I found last
Mathieu Arnold
>From dan@acucore.com Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 00:02:23 -0600
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Subject: Any Documentation
I just installed whups from cvs, and am a little lost as to how to get
started. It looks like I've got everything functioning properly (not getting
any errors), but I'd like to get starting in creating projects, etc.
Is there any documentation that helps in explaining what
the "modules", "types", and "subjects" are and their dependancies? I started
to create some of these items, but ran into dependancy issues and then
realized that I'm not exactly sure what I'm creating when I create a "type".
If there is no documentation, can someone give me a quick run-down. I'm sure
I can figure it out... just would like a quick-start.