[whups] Project Scope..

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:31:10 -0400

Quoting Andy Freeborough <andy.freeborough@cozai.com>:

> I was wondering if there is any project design documentation for Whups? 
> A Functional Specification Document would be particularly useful, but any
> indication of scope, etc. would be good.

Not really, sorry. It's mostly in my head, and hopefully somewhat in the 
archives for this list. I'll try to lay a little out here; anyone who seems 
me at OSCON next week, bug me to do this for all of Horde. :)

> I work for a company, Cozai, that does a lot of PHP dev work.  Horde has
> recently just saved us potentially months of work by providing us with a
> very good Intranet upgrade.  So, we think we should give something back,
> and the Whups project seems to be the most interesting!

Help with Whups and related tools would be great - I've been doing a lot of 
work on it lately, and it's come a long way, but there's certainly tons to 

> We're particularly interested in an overall project management suite.
> Combining 'MS Project' style functionality with links into bug tracking,
> source control, etc.  And links into our internal systems (extranet,
> costing, etc.)
> From what I've read Whups seems to be the project for us!  So.. how can
> we help?

I'm starting work now for a client on a time tracking application (hermes - 
nothing in CVS just yet, hopefully that'll change by the end of the day) 
that will tie into Whups and do timesheets, etc.

One of the things I'd really love to see integrated into Whups is a FAQ 
component; it's my pipe dream that when someone enters a bug report, Whups 
will automatically search the FAQ and any closed bugs and point them at 
those before accepting the new ticket. So that's one thing.

I see project management as something of a seperate app - tied in to Whups 
the way that hermes will be through registry calls, but not required for 
Whups and a seperate chunk of code.

This _is_ open source - I can list things for you to help with forever, but 
what'll probably be best for everyone is if you work at things that you 
need. What specifically do you guys need? What features are lacking, what 
apps do you need to develop?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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