[whups] A couple of patches

Brian Keifer brian@valinor.net
Fri Nov 8 04:53:53 2002

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Hi, list.

Our sysadmin group (read: me) is starting to evaluate whups as a possible project
management solution that we would like to evolve into an e-mail support request
ticketing system.  I've got it configured and it's looking very promising, so
I've begun my standard 'submit a bunch of cosmetic and prefs patches' phase. =)  

Attached are two patches, one that adds a 'New Ticket' link to the header of the
whups summary view, and one that adds a pref to whups's display options allowing
the user to show/hide the list of tasks he/she/it requested.  They're both
pretty straight-forward, so dig in!

We've got a lot of ideas for things that could help bring whups another step or
two closer to 'killer app' status.  Once we figure out where we want to go with
it at work, I'll pass on our ideas, as I'm sure some of it will be useful to others.

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Name: whups_summary_hide_requested.diff
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 3182 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/whups/attachments/20021107/06d01c40/whups_summary_hide_requested.obj

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Name: whups_summary_new_ticket.diff
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 1435 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/whups/attachments/20021107/06d01c40/whups_summary_new_ticket.obj

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