[whups] A couple of patches

Mike Baptiste mike@msbnetworks.net
Fri Nov 8 17:15:20 2002

Hash: SHA1


A number of us are in the same situation - using Whups for sysadmin/IT
tracking, etc.  We also see the potential and hope to grow whups as we
implement it ourselves.  Looks forward to hearing your ideas.

Chuck - what are your thoughts on additional fields in the tickets.
Maybe some type of configurable 'section' where you can add custom data
fields that you setup in the Admin panel.

Another thing we hope to implement is a field comparable to the Bugzilla
Cc: field.  While we hope our users will open many tickets themselves
(and thus get email notifications), often we create the ticket and need
to add their email address so they can be notified.  This could be tied
into a 'customer' record, but I think having the option of multiple Cc:s
is a good thing for high visibility tickets.  And of course a perms
check so you can let guests or specific groups add themselves as Cc:s

There are so many others, but we're going one step at a time :)

I dug into the duplicate user field problem we've seen when editing
user's responsible for a Module but haven't fixed it yet (still getting
the hang of the PHP object model)  Apparently the fields get added twice
- - first you do &_getAddUserForm and then do some checking.  Then later,
you create a new $vars ($vars = new Horde_Form_Vars...) and call
$form->AddUserForm again  I would think the above var call would start
you fresh, but it doesn't.  If I remove the second call to AddUserForm
it fixes the problem but I'm not sure if that's dangerous or not.

Still digging.


Brian Keifer wrote:

| Hi, list.
| Our sysadmin group (read: me) is starting to evaluate whups as a
| possible project
| management solution that we would like to evolve into an e-mail
| support request
| ticketing system.  I've got it configured and it's looking very
| promising, so
| I've begun my standard 'submit a bunch of cosmetic and prefs patches'
| phase. =)
| Attached are two patches, one that adds a 'New Ticket' link to the
| header of the
| whups summary view, and one that adds a pref to whups's display
| options allowing
| the user to show/hide the list of tasks he/she/it requested.  They're both
| pretty straight-forward, so dig in!
| We've got a lot of ideas for things that could help bring whups
| another step or
| two closer to 'killer app' status.  Once we figure out where we want
| to go with
| it at work, I'll pass on our ideas, as I'm sure some of it will be
| useful to others.
| -Brian
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