[whups] Patch to customize date format

Mike Baptiste mike@msbnetworks.net
Mon Nov 11 18:34:32 2002

Hash: SHA1

We've found the extended Weekday Day Month (days ago) time display in
search reports makes it very hard to view resutls in a single line
without wrapping (or expanding the brower wide to obscene widths :) )

We've created a patch that allows the user to select from different time
formats to use in the search reports.  We've included it below.  It
changes on framework file (adds a method) so if this needs to be done
differently to be accepted, let me know.


Index: searchresults.inc
RCS file: /repository/whups/templates/searchresults.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -c -r1.17 searchresults.inc
*** searchresults.inc   23 Oct 2002 21:45:21 -0000      1.17
- --- searchresults.inc   11 Nov 2002 18:26:47 -0000
*** 65,71 ****
~               $thevalue = !empty($info[$value]) ? $info[$value] : '';

~               if ($value == 'timestamp' || $value == '_date_assigned'
|| $value == '_date_resolved') {
!                  $thevalue =
~               } elseif ($value == 'id' || $value == 'summary') {
~                   $thevalue = Horde::link($url, isset($info['summary'])
? $info['summary'] : '') . "<b>$thevalue</b></a>";
~               }
- --- 65,71 ----
~               $thevalue = !empty($info[$value]) ? $info[$value] : '';

~               if ($value == 'timestamp' || $value == '_date_assigned'
|| $value == '_date_resolved') {
!                  $thevalue =
$prefs->getValue('report_time_format'), $prefs->getValue('show_days_ago'));
~               } elseif ($value == 'id' || $value == 'summary') {
~                   $thevalue = Horde::link($url, isset($info['summary'])
? $info['summary'] : '') . "<b>$thevalue</b></a>";
~               }

Index: Form.php
RCS file: /repository/horde/lib/Form.php,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 Form.php
*** Form.php    1 Nov 2002 15:48:50 -0000       1.24
- --- Form.php    11 Nov 2002 18:27:12 -0000
*** 928,933 ****
- --- 928,946 ----
~          }
~      }

+     function getFormattedTimeCustom($timestamp, $format, $useago)
+     {
+         if (!empty($timestamp)) {
+             if ($useago) {
+                 return strftime($format, $timestamp) .
+             } else {
+                 return strftime($format, $timestamp);
+             }
+         } else {
+             return '';
+         }
+     }
~  }

~  class Horde_Form_Type_monthYear extends Horde_Form_Type {

Index: prefs.php.dist
RCS file: /repository/whups/config/prefs.php.dist,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 prefs.php.dist
*** prefs.php.dist      8 Nov 2002 20:54:38 -0000       1.6
- --- prefs.php.dist      11 Nov 2002 18:30:35 -0000
*** 11,17 ****
~      'column' => _("Other Options"),
~      'label' => _("Display Options"),
~      'desc' => _("Change display options such as the color scheme and
how search results are sorted."),
!     'members' => array('sortby', 'sortdir', 'theme',
~  );

~  // user language
- --- 11,17 ----
~      'column' => _("Other Options"),
~      'label' => _("Display Options"),
~      'desc' => _("Change display options such as the color scheme and
how search results are sorted."),
!     'members' => array('sortby', 'sortdir', 'theme',
'summary_show_requested', 'report_time_format', 'show_days_ago')
~  );

~  // user language
*** 81,83 ****
- --- 81,104 ----
~      'shared' => false,
~      'type' => 'checkbox',
~      'desc' => _("Show tickets you have requested in the summary view?"));
+ // Allow custom time/date formats in reports
+ $_prefs['report_time_format'] = array(
+     'value' => '%a %d %B',
+     'locked' => false,
+     'shared' => false,
+     'type' => 'enum',
+     'enum' => array('%a %d %B' => _("Weekday Day Month"),
+                     '%c' => _("Weekday Day Month HH:MM:SS TZ"),
+                     '%D' => _("MM/DD/YY"),
+                     '%D %T' => _("MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS")),
+     'desc' => _("Date/Time Format for Reports")
+ );
+ // Show 'X Days Ago' in Timestamps??
+ $_prefs['show_days_ago'] = array(
+     'value' => 1,
+     'locked' => false,
+     'shared' => false,
+     'type' => 'checkbox',
+     'desc' => _("Show \"(X Days Ago)\" in Date field of Reports?"));
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