[whups] new to whups

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue Nov 12 01:49:44 2002

Quoting Gary Weinreb <gweinreb@rocksolidsystems.com>:

> Basically I want to create triggers at every State and Priority change, to
> notify whoever you (admin) want to preordain, drawing from people
> designated at the Module(Client) level (Account Manager, Client Liaison,
> etc.), and at the Type level (Production Manager, Dept. Managers, etc.),

Have you seen the emails generated when you add users, etc.? To some extent,
doing this is a matter of extending that code. We already do it on the
module and to some extent the ticket level.

> I'd also like to be able to setup templates for notification, so that, for
> example, the Client Liaison could get a nicer email message than the
> standard notification, with a place for a real-time comment, but
> essentially pre-written.  Likewise, not all notifications should be email,
> some people should be called on the phone by a person (someone assigned a
> task), and some people should be called on the phone by an automated IVR
> application (gaining popularity in the medical industry).  (Yes I
> actually do custom CTI applications, and I have ideas of creating a Horde 
> module to drive the Artisoft Televantage Client API <g>)  Some people 
> should be "text-messaged" if "Priority-Red", but emailed otherwise...

... though this is a bit more complicated. :)

> I'd like to be able to work towards this degree of flexibility.


> Incidentally, I want to be able to programmatically toggle Priority if a
> Project stays in a State for too long a period of time, or if there is no
> activity for a certain period.

This is a matter of writing up some rules, adding them to the admin
interface, and adding a cron job or PHP daemon to trigger the rules.

> I understand.  That certainly seems a worthy priority.  Hopefully not all
> of my contributions will be so Project oriented that they fail to augment
> Bug Tracking...   Incidentally, I think I missed responding to a question
> of yours:  Yes, I think it highly likely that within a single 
> installation, multiple "Contexts' of Whups would be utilized.  That seems 
> to be the feedback that I'm seeing as well...

Hrm. I actually have another use for Whups potentially, and it could use
this kind of thing, too. I'll try and think more about it.

> I agree.  I'll work on this premise.  I'll make Nag integration a pref if
> Nag exists, and I've much to do before I get to this point.

? How so? Seeing tickets as tasks?

> That's fine.  I've got a lot to go on.  Have a good trip.  I'll have some
> simple mod's ready this week, though I'll be out Friday.  I've currently
> got some interface changes, ease-of-use stuff, i.e. offering "Edit
> Priorities" and "Edit States" from "Create Tickets" if the user is an
> Admin.  Baby steps.  Today I'm working on copying States and Priorities
> from one Type to another through the Edit interface, so they don't have
> to be re-created.  Should I wait and submit them next week?

Send them whenever - sorry I never got to this. Prefereably generated with
diff -u, btw (diff -uNr, I think, actually).


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers

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