[whups] Re: [cvs] commit: whups admin.php ...

Robert E. Coyle robertecoyle@hotmail.com
Wed Nov 20 20:11:34 2002

From: "Chuck Hagenbuch" <chuck@horde.org>

> Quoting "Robert E. Coyle" <robertecoyle@hotmail.com>:
> >   Log:
> >   Add support for user defined fields in tickets ('Ticket Attributes').
> >   These are just arbitrary string key/value pairs.
> My checkout is updating now, but this looks fabulous - thanks, Robert!

I'm using them to group related tickets together.

Specifically, I have a bunch of objects implementing a bunch of interfaces
and I'm using whups to track the progress of the implementations (and their

Using this, I can set the Class and Interface attributes of the tickets, then
very easily find eg. how advanced each class is or all the bugs on a
particular interface.

At least two other people (Mike Baptiste and adam@morrison-ind IIRC) also
mentioned that they needed ticket attributes.

BTW.  What's currently stopping whups being used as the bug tracking system
for Horde itself?


10: Sin
20: Goto Hell
  - From the Futurama Robot Church

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