[whups] custom dropdown attributes

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Dec 16 06:42:36 PST 2004

Quoting Norbert Mocsnik <lists at norbert.mocsnik.hu>:

> Installed whups some weeks ago and I'm completely
> satisfied with it. One thing I couldn't do is
> creating custom attributes where the user can
> select from a dropdown (html select) list.
> The best way for this is probably to create
> two additional tables, one for the dropdown
> values and one for storing the selections,
> however this is a bit complex for me, coming
> from a non-horde environment.

Right, this has been wanted for a while.

> So my question is if anyone ever worked on this
> or do you have anything that I can start with?

Ulaform is probably the best example. It just needs support for more 


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