[whups] Any idea how can I speed up whups for a non-admin user with a lot of queues?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Jun 17 06:38:02 PDT 2005

Quoting "Edwin L. Culp" <eculp at encontacto.net>:

> Thanks, Chuck.  Right now I need an easy work around, like a way to
> give admin permissions to whups without changing the other apps or just
> wack the queues.  Actually, this is probably something that will need
> to be addressed in the future and might be a good time for inheritance
> in whups perms.  Would this be a good candidate for a bounty?   If so,
> would it be whups specific or horde general?  Thanks,

Both permissions optimization and inheritance are fine bounty 
candidates, I think, and both would be horde-wide.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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