[whups] Whups tabs per ticket type

Auke Bruinsma air2 at dds.nl
Thu Feb 23 08:05:32 PST 2006

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Auke Bruinsma <air2 at dds.nl>:
>> I am wondering the following idea to make the tabs of whups more flexible.
>> For our organization it would be handy to differ the tabs per ticket
>> type. Also the tabs which are available should be configurable. So I
>> thought of making the files in the ticket/ directory to be read in the
>> Whups admin part. Then the files all offer some default class. (Like for
>> example the drivers for the database backend in horde).  This default
>> class should offer the title and the contents. The tabs should than be
>> linked to a ticket type in the whups admin part. In this way its very
>> easy to extend the tabs, just by adding new files in this directory.
>> Also the permissions on the tabs should be configured in the whups admin
>> part.
>> So anyone wants to give his/hers opinion about this idea?
> I don't think I understand what you want to accomplish and why.
> -chuck
I want some extra tabs, but not for all ticket types, also I would like 
to lets have every tab its own permissions.
so I want to create a  TicketTab class with the factory pattern. In the 
subdir TicketTab the actual tabs go inside some nice class.
Than the api.php should be changed so for every tab a permission is 
generated. (That is not a very big change)
Then in some table for every type is stored if which tabs should be 
shown and in which order.
This should be managed in the edit type part. (Like the attributes)
For every tab an int is stored and they ar soreted accourding this int.
This way its very easy to add some custom tabs.


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