[whups] blank database

Zachary Denison zacharydenison at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 07:16:29 PST 2006

I have recently installed whups from the cvs (Dec 14th checkout), onto
a horde groupware webmail edition downloaded and installed the same
day.   I have the configuration setup, I think properly, but when I go
to generate a new ticket, it complains that there are no queues types
or versions setup.  Then I realized that that database is blank -
Does anyone have a populated whups database they can send me?

Then I entered some dummy entries into the whups database and then
when I go to generate the new ticket (it pulls queue name, ticket type
and version from the sql database) but for some reason it does not
pull ticket state and priority from the database.   Then I realized
that these items are in the whups/config/conf.php file, however whups
is not seeing this file.  the pull down menus for those items are
still blank.  Has anyone else had this problem?

Thank you.

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