[whups] blank database

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Dec 15 07:30:13 PST 2006

Quoting Zachary Denison <zacharydenison at gmail.com>:

> I have recently installed whups from the cvs (Dec 14th checkout), onto
> a horde groupware webmail edition downloaded and installed the same
> day.   I have the configuration setup, I think properly, but when I go
> to generate a new ticket, it complains that there are no queues types
> or versions setup.  Then I realized that that database is blank -
> Does anyone have a populated whups database they can send me?
> Then I entered some dummy entries into the whups database and then
> when I go to generate the new ticket (it pulls queue name, ticket type
> and version from the sql database) but for some reason it does not
> pull ticket state and priority from the database.   Then I realized
> that these items are in the whups/config/conf.php file, however whups
> is not seeing this file.  the pull down menus for those items are
> still blank.  Has anyone else had this problem?

You need to access whups as an admin user and do some setup in the  
Administration section - you create queues, types, states, etc. there.  
The conf.php entries are only defaults for states and priorities; they  
let you add a set of states or priorities to a type with a single  
click instead of adding each individually.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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