[wicked] Different text formats

Paul M Jones pmjones at ciaweb.net
Thu Sep 16 10:17:05 PDT 2004

On Sep 16, 2004, at 12:09 PM, Jan Schneider wrote:

>> 2) Introduce "Books". My concept of a book is that of a compilation 
>> of individual pages: each page is one section (or subsection) of the 
>> book. My (still very preliminary) plan is to implement these kind of 
>> books as a new page of type "book". However this book page does not 
>> contain the content itself but only a tree like structure with 
>> references to other wiki pages. So you can create books as a 
>> hierarchical collection of Wiki pages. You have to provide a special 
>> editor (kind of tree edit) and renderer of course, but otherwise you 
>> can utilise all the benefits from a standard wiki page.
> Cool idea!

Sounds similar to the YaWiki <http://yawiki.com> idea of an AreaMap ... 
you may wish to look at it for ideas on how to implement it within 
Wicked.  Here's a sample AreaMap from a YaWiki sandbox:


YaWiki uses it to build navigational elements, but I'm sure its use 
could be extended to cover other things.  No special editing tool is 
needed; each line is a page name, and the number of spaces at the 
beginning of the line indicates the sub-page depth.


Paul M. Jones

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