[wicked] Re: Horde Documentation Application

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Wed Oct 13 02:10:01 PDT 2004

this got stuck in my drafts folder way too long...

>> 2) Introduce "Books". My concept of a book is that of a compilation of
>> individual pages: each page is one section (or subsection) of the book.
>> My (still very preliminary) plan is to implement these kind of books
>> as a new
>> page of type "book". However this book page does not contain the content
>> itself but only a tree like structure with references to other wiki pages.
>> So you can create books as a hierarchical collection of Wiki pages. You have
>> to provide a special editor (kind of tree edit) and renderer of course, but
>> otherwise you can utilise all the benefits from a standard wiki page.
> Alternately, the "book" application could be entirely seperate, using the new
> Horde application/browse API to select anything at all - so you could build a
> "book" of some wiki pages, some files from Gollem, an appendix of a task list
> from Nag...

Cool idea. Linking to various horde items would be really great. But I don't
think this would require a new "book" application (though this still might be
an option).

I'd rather go for adding the general possibility of linking to a horde item to
wicked (or at least to wicked book pages).

> This would make it more complicated to do docbook/pdf type generation,
> but very flexible overall...

I think it's worth the effort: we could enhance the application/browse API to
have kind of a "renderTo" api call. So you could retrieve a task list rendered
as "inline" HTML or docbook-XML. Not all apps would have to support all
rendering formats of


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