[ansel] Patch to convert Ansel to the PHP native exif functions

Heath S. Hendrickson heath at outerspaceconsultants.com
Tue Jan 20 14:09:26 PST 2004

Attached is a file with patches (made via 'cvs diff -u [files] > 
output') to:

that replace the Exifer code with the native PHP exif function call 

They should be compliant with the coding standards, but cleanliness may 
be another matter (I did my best, but that's not necessarily saying much).

I'm only submitting these as a proof-of-concept, so if you decide to 
include them or not, it's up to the maintainers.

- supports pretty labels for the fields
- supports units for data where appropriate
- inline image display is done in a 3 column table now instead of the 
wrapped mega-line
- easy to add extra EXIF fields to the output, just modify 
exif-image.inc and exif.inc

- not the best support for proprietary "makernote" data
   -> the data is all there, but turning the values into something 
useful is dependent on the schema used by the camera maker
   -> none of this was included in the original Ansel Exif display anyway
- requires PHP >= 4.2.0 compiled with exif support

-------------- next part --------------
Index: templates/view/exif-image.inc
RCS file: /usr/local/horde/cvs/ansel/templates/view/exif-image.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 exif-image.inc
--- templates/view/exif-image.inc	19 Jan 2004 22:37:55 -0000	1.1
+++ templates/view/exif-image.inc	20 Jan 2004 21:39:45 -0000
@@ -2,32 +2,66 @@
 require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif.php';
 $imageFile = $image->toFile();
 $result = read_exif_data_raw($imageFile);
-if (!empty($result['ValidEXIFData'])) {
-    $IDF0 = array('Make', 'Model', 'Orientation', 'xResolution',
-                  'yResolution', 'ResolutionUnit', 'Software', 'DateTime',
-                  'YCbCrPositioning');
-    $SubIDF = array('ExposureTime', 'FNumber', 'ExifVersion',
-                    'DateTimeOriginal', 'DateTimedigitized', 'ComponentsConfiguration',
-                    'ComponentsConfiguration', 'CompressedBitsPerPixel',
-                    'ShutterSpeedValue', 'ApertureValue', 'MeteringMode', 'Flash',
-                    'FocalLength', 'UserComment', 'ColorSpace', 'ExifImageWidth',
-                    'ExifImageHeight', 'SensingMethod', 'FileSource');
+if ($result) {
+    // Array of EXIF fields to populate. 
+    // The key is the Exif field name, the value is the display name.
+    $ExifFields = array('Make' => 'Camera Make', 
+                        'Model' => 'Camera Model',  
+			'ImageType' => 'Image Type',
+       			'FileSize' => 'File Size',
+			'DateTime' => 'Image Taken', 
+			'ExifImageWidth' => 'Width', 
+			'ExifImageLength' => 'Height', 
+			'XResolution' => 'X Resolution',
+                  	'YResolution' => 'Y Resolution',	
+			'ShutterSpeedValue' => 'Shutter Speed', 
+			'ExposureTime' => 'Exposure', 
+			'FocalLength' => 'Focal Length', 
+			'ApertureValue' => 'Aperture',
+                  	'FNumber' => 'F-Number', 
+			'ISOSpeedRatings' => 'ISO Setting' , 
+			'ExposureBiasValue' => 'Exposure Bias', 
+			'ExposureMode' => 'Exposure Mode',
+			'MeteringMode' => 'Metering Mode', 
+			'Flash' => 'Flash Setting',
+                  	'UserComment' => 'User Comment', 
+			'ColorSpace' => 'Color Space', 
+			'SensingMethod' => 'Sensing Method', 
+			'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance', 
+			'Orientation' => 'Camera Orientation',
+			'Copyright' => 'Copyright'
+		       );
     $output = array();
-    foreach ($result['IFD0'] as $key => $value) {
-        if (in_array($key, $IDF0) && trim($value) != '') {
-            $output[] = "<b>$key</b>:&nbsp;$value";
-        }
+    $keys = array();
+    foreach ($ExifFields as $field => $desc) {
+        array_key_exists($field,$result) ?  $data = $result[$field] : $data = '';
+        if (trim($data) == '') { continue; }
+        $data = convert_exif_data($field,$data);
+        $output[] = "<td class='item'><b>$desc</b>:</td<td class='item'>$data</td>";
-    foreach ($result['SubIFD'] as $key => $value) {
-        if (in_array($key, $SubIDF) && trim($value) != '') {
-            $output[] = "<b>$key</b>:&nbsp;$value";
+    if (count($output)) {
+        $newout = array_chunk($output,3);
+        echo '<br /><div align="center"><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">';
+        foreach($newout as $elem) {
+            //echo '<td class="item" valign="top">'.implode('<br>',$elem).'</td>';
+            echo '<tr>'.implode('<td class="item">&nbsp;</td>',$elem).'</tr>';
+        echo '</table></div>';
-    if (count($output)) {
-        echo '<br /><div align="center"><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="item">[&nbsp;' . implode(' | ', $output) . '&nbsp;]</td></tr></table></div>';
+/* Debug output to dump the entire EXIF data
+    echo '<br>Full EXIF:<br>';
+    foreach($result as $key => $value) {
+        if(!is_array($value)) {
+            echo "$key:&nbsp;$value<br>";
+        } else {
+            foreach($value as $subvalue => $type) {
+              echo "$key.$subvalue:&nbsp;$type<br>";
+            }
+        }
Index: lib/Exif.php
RCS file: /usr/local/horde/cvs/ansel/lib/Exif.php,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 Exif.php
--- lib/Exif.php	19 Jan 2004 22:37:54 -0000	1.6
+++ lib/Exif.php	20 Jan 2004 21:34:51 -0000
@@ -4,597 +4,7 @@
  * $Horde: ansel/lib/Exif.php,v 1.5 2003/10/17 19:01:38 chuck Exp $
-	Exifer 1.4
-	Extracts EXIF information from digital photos.
-	Copyright © 2003 Jake Olefsky
-	http://www.offsky.com/software/exif/index.php
-	jake at olefsky.com
-	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-	the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
-	See the GNU General Public License for more details. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
-				This script will correctly parse all of the EXIF data included in images taken
-				with digital cameras.  It will read the IDF0, IDF1, SubIDF and InteroperabilityIFD
-				fields as well as parsing some of the MakerNote fields that vary depending on
-				camera make and model.  This script parses more tags than the internal PHP exif
-				implementation and it will correctly identify and decode what all the values mean.
-				This version will correctly parse the MakerNote field for Nikon, Olympus, and Canon
-				digital cameras.  Others will follow.
-				Nikon CoolPix 700
-				Nikon CoolPix 4500
-				Nikon CoolPix 950
-				Nikon Coolpix 5700
-				Canon PowerShot S200
-				Canon PowerShot S110
-				Olympus C2040Z
-				Olympus C960
-				Canon Ixus
-				FujiFilm DX 10
-				FujiFilm MX-1200
-				FujiFilm FinePix2400
-				FujiFilm FinePix2600
-				FujiFilm FinePix S602
-				FujiFilm FinePix40i
-				Sony D700
-				Sony Cybershot
-				Kodak DC210
-				Kodak DC240
-				Kodak DC4800
-				Ricoh RDC-5300
-				Sanyo VPC-G250
-				Sanyo VPC-SX550
-	If you improve this script or test it with a camera not on my list, please email me a copy of
-	the improvement so everyone can benefit from it.  Thanks!
-	1.0 	Sept 23, 2002
-			First Public Release
-	1.1		Jan 25, 2003
-			+Gracefully handled the error case where you pass an empty string to this library
-			+Fixed an inconsistency in the Olympus Camera parsing module
-			+Added support for parsing the MakerNote of Canon images.
-			+Modified how the imagefile is opened so it works for windows machines.
-			+Correctly parses the FocalPlaneResolutionUnit and PhotometricInterpretation fields
-			+Negative rational numbers are properly displayed
-			+Strange old cameras that use Motorola endineness are now properly supported
-			+Tested with several more cameras
-			Potential Problem: Negative Shorts and Negative Longs may not be correctly displayed, but I
-				have not yet found an example of negative shorts or longs being used.
-	1.2		Mar 30, 2003
-			+Fixed an error that was displayed if you edited your image with WinXP's image viewer
-			+Fixed a bug that caused some images saved from 3rd party software to not parse correctly
-			+Changed the ExposureTime tag to display in fractional seconds rather than decimal
-			+Updated the ShutterSpeedValue tag to have the units of 'sec'
-			+Added support for parsing the MakeNote of FujiFilm images
-			+Added support for parsing the MakeNote of Sanyo images
-			+Fixed a bug with parsing some Olympus MakerNote tags
-			+Tested with several more cameras
-	1.3		Jun 15, 2003
-			+Fixed Canon MakerNote support for some models
-				(Canon has very difficult and inconsistent MakerNote syntax)
-			+Negative signed shorts and negative signed longs are properly displayed
-			+Several more tags are defined
-			+More information in my comments about what each tag is
-			+Parses and Displays GPS information if available
-			+Tested with several more cameras
-	1.4		Sept 14, 2003
-			+This software is now licensed under the GNU General Public License
-			+Exposure time is now correctly displayed when the numerator is 10
-			+Fixed the calculation and display of ShutterSpeedValue, ApertureValue and MaxApertureValue
-			+Fixed a bug with the GPS code
-			+Tested with several more cameras
-require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif/nikon.php';
-require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif/olympus.php';
-require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif/canon.php';
-require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif/fujifilm.php';
-require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif/sanyo.php';
-require_once ANSEL_BASE . '/lib/Exif/gps.php';
-// Converts from Intel to Motorola endian.  Just reverses the bytes (assumes hex is passed in)
-function intel2Moto($intel) {
-	$len = strlen($intel);
-	$moto="";
-	for($i=0; $i<=$len; $i+=2) {
-		$moto.=substr($intel, $len-$i,2);
-	}
-	return $moto;
-// Looks up the name of the tag
-function lookup_tag($tag)
-	switch($tag) {
-			//used by IFD0 'Camera Tags'
-    case '000b': $tag = 'ACDComment';break;						//text string up to 999 bytes long
-    case '00fe': $tag = 'ImageType';break;						//integer -2147483648 to 2147483647
-    case '0106': $tag = 'PhotometricInterpret';break;			//?? Please send sample image with this tag
-    case '010e': $tag = 'ImageDescription';break;				//text string up to 999 bytes long
-    case '010f': $tag = 'Make';break;							//text string up to 999 bytes long
-    case '0110': $tag = 'Model';break;							//text string up to 999 bytes long
-    case '0112': $tag = 'Orientation';break;					//integer values 1-9
-    case '0115': $tag = 'SamplePerPixel';break;					//integer 0-65535
-    case '011a': $tag = 'xResolution';break;					//positive rational number
-    case '011b': $tag = 'yResolution';break;					//positive rational number
-    case '011c': $tag = 'PlanarConfig';break;					//integer values 1-2
-		case '0128': $tag = 'ResolutionUnit';break;					//integer values 1-3
-		case '0131': $tag = 'Software';break;						//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '0132': $tag = 'DateTime';break;						//YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS
-		case '013b': $tag = 'Artist';break;							//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '013e': $tag = 'WhitePoint';break;						//two positive rational numbers
-		case '013f': $tag = 'PrimaryChromaticities';break;			//six positive rational numbers
-		case '0211': $tag = 'YCbCrCoefficients';break;				//three positive rational numbers
-		case '0213': $tag = 'YCbCrPositioning';break;				//integer values 1-2
-		case '0214': $tag = 'ReferenceBlackWhite';break;			//six positive rational numbers
-		case '8298': $tag = 'Copyright';break;						//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '8649': $tag = 'PhotoshopSettings';break;				//??
-		case '8825': $tag = 'GPSInfoOffset';break;
-		case '9286': $tag = 'UserCommentOld';break;					//??
-		case '8769': $tag = 'ExifOffset';break;						//positive integer
-			//used by Exif SubIFD 'Image Tags'
-		case '829a': $tag = 'ExposureTime';break;					//seconds or fraction of seconds 1/x
-		case '829d': $tag = 'FNumber';break;						//positive rational number
-		case '8822': $tag = 'ExposureProgram';break;				//integer value 1-9
-		case '8824': $tag = 'SpectralSensitivity';break;			//??
-		case '8827': $tag = 'ISOSpeedRatings';break;				//integer 0-65535
-		case '9000': $tag = 'ExifVersion';break;					//??
-		case '9003': $tag = 'DateTimeOriginal';break;				//YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS
-		case '9004': $tag = 'DateTimedigitized';break;				//YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS
-		case '9101': $tag = 'ComponentsConfiguration';break;		//??
-		case '9102': $tag = 'CompressedBitsPerPixel';break;			//positive rational number
-		case '9201': $tag = 'ShutterSpeedValue';break;				//seconds or fraction of seconds 1/x
-		case '9202': $tag = 'ApertureValue';break;					//positive rational number
-		case '9203': $tag = 'BrightnessValue';break;				//positive rational number
-		case '9204': $tag = 'ExposureBiasValue';break;				//positive rational number (EV)
-		case '9205': $tag = 'MaxApertureValue';break;				//positive rational number
-		case '9206': $tag = 'SubjectDistance';break;				//positive rational number (meters)
-		case '9207': $tag = 'MeteringMode';break;					//integer 1-6 and 255
-		case '9208': $tag = 'LightSource';break;					//integer 1-255
-		case '9209': $tag = 'Flash';break;							//integer 1-255
-		case '920a': $tag = 'FocalLength';break;					//positive rational number (mm)
-		case '9213': $tag = 'ImageHistory';break;					//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '927c': $tag = 'MakerNote';break;						//a bunch of data
-		case '9286': $tag = 'UserComment';break;					//text string
-		case '9290': $tag = 'SubsecTime';break;						//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '9291': $tag = 'SubsecTimeOriginal';break;				//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '9292': $tag = 'SubsecTimeDigitized';break;			//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case 'a000': $tag = 'FlashPixVersion';break;				//??
-		case 'a001': $tag = 'ColorSpace';break;						//values 1 or 65535
-		case 'a002': $tag = 'ExifImageWidth';break;					//ingeter 1-65535
-		case 'a003': $tag = 'ExifImageHeight';break;				//ingeter 1-65535
-		case 'a004': $tag = 'RelatedSoundFile';break;				//text string 12 bytes long
-		case 'a005': $tag = 'ExifInteroperabilityOffset';break;		//positive integer
-		case 'a20c': $tag = 'SpacialFreqResponse';break;			//??
-		case 'a20b': $tag = 'FlashEnergy';break;					//positive rational number
-		case 'a20e': $tag = 'FocalPlaneXResolution';break;			//positive rational number
-		case 'a20f': $tag = 'FocalPlaneYResolution';break;			//positive rational number
-		case 'a210': $tag = 'FocalPlaneResolutionUnit';break;		//values 1-3
-		case 'a214': $tag = 'SubjectLocation';break;				//two integers 0-65535
-		case 'a215': $tag = 'ExposureIndex';break;					//positive rational number
-		case 'a217': $tag = 'SensingMethod';break;					//values 1-8
-		case 'a300': $tag = 'FileSource';break;						//integer
-		case 'a301': $tag = 'SceneType';break;						//integer
-		case 'a302': $tag = 'CFAPattern';break;						//undefined data type
-		case 'a401': $tag = 'CustomerRender';break;					//values 0 or 1
-		case 'a402': $tag = 'ExposureMode';break;					//values 0-2
-		case 'a403': $tag = 'WhiteBalance';break;					//values 0 or 1
-		case 'a404': $tag = 'DigitalZoomRatio';break;				//positive rational number
-		case 'a406': $tag = 'SceneCaptureMode';break;				//values 0-3
-		case 'a407': $tag = 'GainControl';break;					//values 0-4
-		case 'a408': $tag = 'Contrast';break;						//values 0-2
-		case 'a409': $tag = 'Saturation';break;						//values 0-2
-		case 'a40a': $tag = 'Sharpness';break;						//values 0-2
-			//used by Interoperability IFD
-		case '0001': $tag = 'InteroperabilityIndex';break; 			//text string 3 bytes long
-		case '0002': $tag = 'InteroperabilityVersion';break; 		//datatype undefined
-		case '1000': $tag = 'RelatedImageFileFormat';break;			//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '1001': $tag = 'RelatedImageWidth';break;				//integer in range 0-65535
-		case '1002': $tag = 'RelatedImageLength';break;				//integer in range 0-65535
-			//used by IFD1 'Thumbnail'
-		case '0100': $tag = 'ImageWidth';break;						//integer in range 0-65535
-		case '0101': $tag = 'ImageLength';break;					//integer in range 0-65535
-		case '0102': $tag = 'BitsPerSample';break;					//integers in range 0-65535
-		case '0103': $tag = 'Compression';break;					//values 1 or 6
-		case '0106': $tag = 'PhotometricInterpretation';break;		//values 0-4
-		case '010e': $tag = 'ThumbnailDescription';break;			//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '010f': $tag = 'ThumbnailMake';break;					//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '0110': $tag = 'ThumbnailModel';break;					//text string up to 999 bytes long
-		case '0111': $tag = 'StripOffsets';break;					//??
-		case '0112': $tag = 'ThumbnailOrientation';break;			//integer 1-9
-		case '0115': $tag = 'SamplesPerPixel';break;				//??
-		case '0116': $tag = 'RowsPerStrip';break;					//??
-		case '0117': $tag = 'StripByteCounts';break;				//??
-		case '011a': $tag = 'ThumbnailXResolution';break;			//positive rational number
-		case '011b': $tag = 'ThumbnailYResolution';break;			//positive rational number
-		case '011c': $tag = 'PlanarConfiguration';break;			//values 1 or 2
-		case '0128': $tag = 'ThumbnailResolutionUnit';break;		//values 1-3
-		case '0201': $tag = 'JpegIFOffset';break;
-		case '0202': $tag = 'JpegIFByteCount';break;
-		case '0212': $tag = 'YCbCrSubSampling';break;
-			//misc
-		case '00ff': $tag = 'SubfileType';break;
-		case '012d': $tag = 'TransferFunction';break;
-		case '013d': $tag = 'Predictor';break;
-		case '0142': $tag = 'TileWidth';break;
-		case '0143': $tag = 'TileLength';break;
-		case '0144': $tag = 'TileOffsets';break;
-		case '0145': $tag = 'TileByteCounts';break;
-		case '014a': $tag = 'SubIFDs';break;
-		case '015b': $tag = 'JPEGTables';break;
-		case '828d': $tag = 'CFARepeatPatternDim';break;
-		case '828e': $tag = 'CFAPattern';break;
-		case '828f': $tag = 'BatteryLevel';break;
-		case '83bb': $tag = 'IPTC/NAA';break;
-		case '8773': $tag = 'InterColorProfile';break;
-		case '8828': $tag = 'OECF';break;
-		case '8829': $tag = 'Interlace';break;
-		case '882a': $tag = 'TimeZoneOffset';break;
-		case '882b': $tag = 'SelfTimerMode';break;
-		case '920b': $tag = 'FlashEnergy';break;
-		case '920c': $tag = 'SpatialFrequencyResponse';break;
-		case '920d': $tag = 'Noise';break;
-		case '9211': $tag = 'ImageNumber';break;
-		case '9212': $tag = 'SecurityClassification';break;
-		case '9214': $tag = 'SubjectLocation';break;
-		case '9215': $tag = 'ExposureIndex';break;
-		case '9216': $tag = 'TIFF/EPStandardID';break;
-		case 'a20b': $tag = 'FlashEnergy';break;
-		default: $tag = 'unknown:'.$tag;break;
-	}
-	return $tag;
-// Looks up the datatype
-function lookup_type(&$type,&$size) {
-	switch($type) {
-		case '0001': $type = 'UBYTE';$size=1;break;
-		case '0002': $type = 'ASCII';$size=1;break;
-		case '0003': $type = 'USHORT';$size=2;break;
-		case '0004': $type = 'ULONG';$size=4;break;
-		case '0005': $type = 'URATIONAL';$size=8;break;
-		case '0006': $type = 'SBYTE';$size=1;break;
-		case '0007': $type = 'UNDEFINED';$size=1;break;
-		case '0008': $type = 'SSHORT';$size=2;break;
-		case '0009': $type = 'SLONG';$size=4;break;
-		case '000a': $type = 'SRATIONAL';$size=8;break;
-		case '000b': $type = 'FLOAT';$size=4;break;
-		case '000c': $type = 'DOUBLE';$size=8;break;
-		default: $type = 'error:'.$type;$size=0;break;
-	}
-	return $type;
-// Formats Data for the data type
-function formatData($type, $tag, $intel, $data) {
-	if($type=='ASCII') {
-		//do nothing
-	} else if($type=='URATIONAL' || $type=='SRATIONAL') {
-		$data = bin2hex($data);
-		if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
-		if($intel==1) $top = hexdec(substr($data,8,8)); 	//intel stores them bottom-top
-		else  $top = hexdec(substr($data,0,8));				//motorola stores them top-bottom
-		if($intel==1) $bottom = hexdec(substr($data,0,8));	//intel stores them bottom-top
-		else  $bottom = hexdec(substr($data,8,8));			//motorola stores them top-bottom
-		if($type=='SRATIONAL' && $top>2147483647) $top = $top - 4294967296;		//this makes the number signed instead of unsigned
-		if($bottom!=0) $data=$top/$bottom;
-		else if($top==0) $data = 0;
-		else $data=$top.'/'.$bottom;
-		if(($tag=='011a' || $tag=='011b') && $bottom==1) { //XResolution YResolution
-			$data=$top.' dots per ResolutionUnit';
-		} else if($tag=='829a') { //Exposure Time
-			if($top/10 == 1) $data='1/'.round($bottom/10, 0).' sec';
-			else $data=$top.'/'.$bottom.' sec';
-		} else if($tag=='829d') { //FNumber
-			$data='f '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='9204') { //ExposureBiasValue
-			$data=$data.' EV';
-		} else if($tag=='9205' || $tag=='9202') { //ApertureValue and MaxApertureValue
-			//ApertureValue is given in the APEX Mode. Many thanks to Matthieu Froment for this code
-			//The formula is : Aperture = 2*log2(FNumber) <=> FNumber = e((Aperture.ln(2))/2)
-			$data = exp(($data*log(2))/2);
-			$data = round($data, 1);//Focal is given with a precision of 1 digit.
-			$data='f '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='920a') { //FocalLength
-			$data=$data.' mm';
-		} else if($tag=='9201') { //ShutterSpeedValue
-			// The ShutterSpeedValue is given in the APEX mode. Many thanks to Matthieu Froment for this code
-			// The formula is : Shutter = - log2(exposureTime) (Appendix C of EXIF spec.)
-			// Where shutter is in APEX, log2(exposure) = ln(exposure)/ln(2)
-			// So final formula is : exposure = exp(-ln(2).shutter)
-			// The formula can be developed : exposure = 1/(exp(ln(2).shutter))
-			$data = exp($data * log(2));
-			if ($data > 1) $data = floor($data);  //Do not take care of what is behind the coma.
-			$data = 1/$data; //Final calculation. We now have a floating number. Transform it in a pretty number
-			$n=0;$d=0;
-			ConvertToFraction($data, $n, $d);
-			if ($n>=1 && $d==1) $data = $n.' sec'; //To avoid exposure times style 3/1 sec.
-			else $data = $n.'/'.$d.' sec';
-		}
-	} else if($type=='USHORT' || $type=='SSHORT' || $type=='ULONG' || $type=='SLONG' || $type=='FLOAT' || $type=='DOUBLE') {
-		$data = bin2hex($data);
-		if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
-		if($intel==0 && ($type=='USHORT' || $type=='SSHORT')) $data = substr($data,0,4);
-		$data=hexdec($data);
-		if($type=='SSHORT' && $data>32767) $data = $data - 65536;	//this makes the number signed instead of unsigned
-		if($type=='SLONG' && $data>2147483647) $data = $data - 4294967296;	//this makes the number signed instead of unsigned
-		if($tag=='0112') { //Orientation
-			if($data==1) $data = 'Normal (O deg)';
-			if($data==2) $data = 'Mirrored';
-			if($data==3) $data = 'Upsidedown';
-			if($data==4) $data = 'Upsidedown Mirrored';
-			if($data==5) $data = '90 deg CW Mirrored';
-			if($data==6) $data = '90 deg CCW';
-			if($data==7) $data = '90 deg CCW Mirrored';
-			if($data==8) $data = '90 deg CW';
-		} else if($tag=='0128' || $tag=='a210' || $tag=='0128') {  //ResolutionUnit and FocalPlaneResolutionUnit and ThumbnailResolutionUnit
-			if($data==1) $data = 'No Unit';
-			if($data==2) $data = 'Inch';
-			if($data==3) $data = 'Centimeter';
-		} else if($tag=='0213') { //YCbCrPositioning
-			if($data==1) $data = 'Center of Pixel Array';
-			if($data==2) $data = 'Datum Point';
-		} else if($tag=='8822') { //ExposureProgram
-			if($data==1) $data = 'Manual';
-			else if($data==2) $data = 'Program';
-			else if($data==3) $data = 'Aperature Priority';
-			else if($data==4) $data = 'Shutter Priority';
-			else if($data==5) $data = 'Program Creative';
-			else if($data==6) $data = 'Program Action';
-			else if($data==7) $data = 'Portrat';
-			else if($data==8) $data = 'Landscape';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='9207') { //MeteringMode
-			if($data==0) $data = 'Unknown';
-			else if($data==1) $data = 'Average';
-			else if($data==2) $data = 'Center Weighted Average';
-			else if($data==3) $data = 'Spot';
-			else if($data==4) $data = 'Multi-Spot';
-			else if($data==5) $data = 'Multi-Segment';
-			else if($data==6) $data = 'Partial';
-			else if($data==255) $data = 'Other';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='9208') { //LightSource
-			if($data==0) $data = 'Unknown or Auto';
-			else if($data==1) $data = 'Daylight';
-			else if($data==2) $data = 'Flourescent';
-			else if($data==3) $data = 'Tungsten';
-			else if($data==10) $data = 'Flash';
-			else if($data==17) $data = 'Standard Light A';
-			else if($data==18) $data = 'Standard Light B';
-			else if($data==19) $data = 'Standard Light C';
-			else if($data==20) $data = 'D55';
-			else if($data==21) $data = 'D65';
-			else if($data==22) $data = 'D75';
-			else if($data==255) $data = 'Other';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='9209') { //Flash
-			if($data==0) $data = 'No Flash';
-			else if($data==1) $data = 'Flash';
-			else if($data==5) $data = 'Flash, strobe return light not detected';
-			else if($data==7) $data = 'Flash, strob return light detected';
-			else if($data==9) $data = 'Compulsory Flash';
-			else if($data==13) $data = 'Compulsory Flash, Return light not detected';
-			else if($data==15) $data = 'Compulsory Flash, Return light detected';
-			else if($data==16) $data = 'No Flash';
-			else if($data==24) $data = 'No Flash';
-			else if($data==25) $data = 'Flash, Auto-Mode';
-			else if($data==29) $data = 'Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light not detected';
-			else if($data==31) $data = 'Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected';
-			else if($data==32) $data = 'No Flash';
-			else if($data==65) $data = 'Red Eye';
-			else if($data==69) $data = 'Red Eye, Return light not detected';
-			else if($data==71) $data = 'Red Eye, Return light detected';
-			else if($data==73) $data = 'Red Eye, Compulsory Flash';
-			else if($data==77) $data = 'Red Eye, Compulsory Flash, Return light not detected';
-			else if($data==79) $data = 'Red Eye, Compulsory Flash, Return light detected';
-			else if($data==89) $data = 'Red Eye, Auto-Mode';
-			else if($data==93) $data = 'Red Eye, Auto-Mode, Return light not detected';
-			else if($data==95) $data = 'Red Eye, Auto-Mode, Return light detected';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='a001') { //ColorSpace
-			if($data==1) $data = 'sRGB';
-			else $data = 'Uncalibrated';
-		} else if($tag=='a002' || $tag=='a003') { //ExifImageWidth/Height
-			$data = $data. ' pixels';
-		} else if($tag=='0103') { //Compression
-			if($data==1) $data = 'No Compression';
-			else if($data==6) $data = 'Jpeg Compression';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='a217') { //SensingMethod
-			if($data==1) $data = 'Not defined';
-			if($data==2) $data = 'One Chip Color Area Sensor';
-			if($data==3) $data = 'Two Chip Color Area Sensor';
-			if($data==4) $data = 'Three Chip Color Area Sensor';
-			if($data==5) $data = 'Color Sequential Area Sensor';
-			if($data==7) $data = 'Trilinear Sensor';
-			if($data==8) $data = 'Color Sequential Linear Sensor';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		} else if($tag=='0106') { //PhotometricInterpretation
-			if($data==1) $data = 'Monochrome';
-			else if($data==2) $data = 'RGB';
-			else if($data==6) $data = 'YCbCr';
-			else $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
-		}
-	} else if($type=='UNDEFINED') {
-		if($tag=='9000' || $tag=='a000' || $tag=='0002') { //ExifVersion,FlashPixVersion,InteroperabilityVersion
-			$data='version '.$data/100;
-		}
-		if($tag=='a300') { //FileSource
-			$data = bin2hex($data);
-			$data	= str_replace('00','', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('03','Digital Still Camera', $data);
-		}
-		if($tag=='a301') { //SceneType
-			$data = bin2hex($data);
-			$data	= str_replace('00','', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('01','Directly Photographed', $data);
-		}
-		if($tag=='9101') {	//ComponentsConfiguration
-			$data = bin2hex($data);
-			$data	= str_replace('01','Y', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('02','Cb', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('03','Cr', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('04','R', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('05','G', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('06','B', $data);
-			$data	= str_replace('00','', $data);
-		}
-	} else {
-		$data = bin2hex($data);
-		if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
-	}
-	return $data;
-// Reads one standard IFD entry
-function read_entry(&$result, $in, $seek, $intel, $ifd_name, $globalOffset) {
-	//2 byte tag
-	$tag = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	if($intel==1) $tag = intel2Moto($tag);
-	$tag_name = lookup_tag($tag);
-	//2 byte datatype
-	$type = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	if($intel==1) $type = intel2Moto($type);
-	lookup_type($type, $size);
-	//4 byte number of elements
-	$count = bin2hex(fread($in, 4));
-	if($intel==1) $count = intel2Moto($count);
-	$bytesofdata = $size*hexdec($count);
-	//4 byte value or pointer to value if larger than 4 bytes
-	$value = fread( $in, 4 );
-    $data = null;
-	if($bytesofdata<=4) { 	//if datatype is 4 bytes or less, its the value
-		$data = $value;
-	} else {				//otherwise its a pointer to the value, so lets go get it
-		$value = bin2hex($value);
-		if($intel==1) $value = intel2Moto($value);
-		$v = fseek($seek, $globalOffset+hexdec($value));  //offsets are from TIFF header which is 12 bytes from the start of the file
-		if($v==0) {
-			$data = @fread($seek, $bytesofdata);
-		} else if($v==-1) {
-			$result['Errors'] = $result['Errors']++;
-		}
-	}
-	if($tag_name=='MakerNote') { //if its a maker tag, we need to parse this specially
-		$make = isset($result['IFD0']['Make']) ? $result['IFD0']['Make'] : '';
-		if ($result['VerboseOutput'] == 1) {
-			$result[$ifd_name]['MakerNote']['RawData'] = $data;
-		}
-		if ($make == "NIKON\0") {
-			parseNikon($data, $result);
-			$result[$ifd_name]['KnownMaker'] = 1;
-		} elseif (stristr($make, 'OLYMPUS')){
-			parseOlympus($data, $result, $seek, $globalOffset);
-			$result[$ifd_name]['KnownMaker'] = 1;
-		} elseif (stristr($make, 'Canon')) {
-			parseCanon($data, $result, $seek, $globalOffset);
-			$result[$ifd_name]['KnownMaker'] = 1;
-		} elseif (stristr($make, 'FUJIFILM')) {
-			parseFujifilm($data, $result);
-			$result[$ifd_name]['KnownMaker'] = 1;
-		} elseif (stristr($make, 'SANYO')) {
-			parseSanyo($data, $result, $seek, $globalOffset);
-			$result[$ifd_name]['KnownMaker'] = 1;
-		} else {
-			$result[$ifd_name]['KnownMaker'] = 0;
-		}
-	} elseif ($tag_name=='GPSInfoOffset') {
-		$formated_data = formatData($type, $tag, $intel, $data);
-		$result[$ifd_name]['GPSInfo'] = $formated_data;
-		parseGPS($data, $result, $formated_data, $seek, $globalOffset);
-	} else {
-		//Format the data depending on the type and tag
-		$formated_data = formatData($type, $tag, $intel, $data);
-		$result[$ifd_name][$tag_name] = $formated_data;
-		if($result['VerboseOutput']==1) {
-			if($type=='URATIONAL' || $type=='SRATIONAL' || $type=='USHORT' || $type=='SSHORT' || $type=='ULONG' || $type=='SLONG' || $type=='FLOAT' || $type=='DOUBLE') {
-				$data = bin2hex($data);
-				if($intel==1) $data = intel2Moto($data);
-			}
-			$result[$ifd_name][$tag_name.'_Verbose']['RawData'] = $data;
-			$result[$ifd_name][$tag_name.'_Verbose']['Type'] = $type;
-			$result[$ifd_name][$tag_name.'_Verbose']['Bytes'] = $bytesofdata;
-		}
-	}
+ */
@@ -608,178 +18,185 @@
 function read_exif_data_raw($path, $verbose = 0) {
-	if($path=='' || $path=='none') return;
-	$in = fopen($path, 'rb');
-	$seek = fopen($path, 'rb'); // There may be an elegant way to do this with one file handle.
+    if($path=='' || $path=='none') return;
-	$globalOffset = 0;
-	$result['VerboseOutput'] = $verbose;
-	$result['Errors'] = 0;
-    $result['IFD0'] = array();
-    $result['SubIFD'] = array();
-	//First 2 bytes of JPEG are 0xFFD8
-	$data = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	if ($data == 'ffd8') {
-		$result['ValidJpeg'] = 1;
-	} else {
-		$result['ValidJpeg'] = 0;
-		fclose($in);
-		fclose($seek);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	// Next 2 bytes are MARKER tag (0xFFE#).
-	$data = bin2hex(fread($in, 2));
-	if ($data=='ffe0') {
-		$result['ValidJFIFData'] = 1;
-		$size = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-		$result['JFIF']['Size'] = hexdec($size);
-		$ident = fread( $in, 5 );
-		$result['JFIF']['Identifier'] = $ident;
-		$code = fread( $in, 1 );
-		$result['JFIF']['ExtensionCode'] =  bin2hex($code);
-		$data = fread( $in, hexdec($size)-8 );
-		$result['JFIF']['Data'] = $data;
-		$globalOffset+=hexdec($size)+2;
-		$data = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	} else {
-		$result['ValidJFIFData'] = 0;
-	}
-	if ($data == 'ffe1') {
-		$result['ValidEXIFData'] = 1;
-	} else {
-		$result['ValidEXIFData'] = 0;
-		fclose($in);
-		fclose($seek);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	// Size of APP1.
-	$size = bin2hex(fread($in, 2));
-	$result['APP1Size'] = hexdec($size);
-	// Start of APP1 block starts with 'Exif' header (6 bytes).
-	$header = fread( $in, 6 );
-	// Then there's a TIFF header with 2 bytes of endianess (II or
-	// MM).
-	$header = fread($in, 2);
-	if ($header === 'II') {
-		$intel = 1;
-		$result['Endian'] = 'Intel';
-	} elseif ($header === 'MM') {
-		$intel = 0;
-		$result['Endian'] = 'Motorola';
-	} else {
-        $intel = null;
-    }
-	// 2 bytes of 0x002a.
-	$tag = bin2hex(fread($in, 2));
-	// Then 4 bytes of offset to IFD0 (usually 8 which includes all 8
-	// bytes of TIFF header).
-	$offset = bin2hex(fread($in, 4));
-	if ($intel == 1) {
-        $offset = intel2Moto($offset);
-    }
-	if (hexdec($offset) > 8) {
-        @fread($in, hexdec($offset) - 8);
-    }
-	// add 12 to the offset to account for TIFF header.
-	$globalOffset += 12;
-	//===========================================================Start of IFD0
-	$num = bin2hex(fread($in, 2));
-	if($intel==1) $num = intel2Moto($num);
-	$result['IFD0NumTags'] = hexdec($num);
-	for($i=0;$i<hexdec($num);$i++) {
-		read_entry($result, $in, $seek, $intel,'IFD0', $globalOffset);
-	}
-	//store offset to IFD1
-	$offset = bin2hex(fread( $in, 4 ));
-	if($intel==1) $offset = intel2Moto($offset);
-	$result['IFD1Offset'] = hexdec($offset);
-	//Check for SubIFD
-	if(!isset($result['IFD0']['ExifOffset']) || $result['IFD0']['ExifOffset']==0) {
-		fclose($in);
-		fclose($seek);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	//seek to SubIFD (Value of ExifOffset tag) above.
-	$ExitOffset = $result['IFD0']['ExifOffset'];
-	$v = fseek($in, $globalOffset+$ExitOffset);
-	if($v==-1) {
-		$result['Errors'] = $result['Errors']++;
-	}
-	//===========================================================Start of SubIFD
-	$num = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	if($intel==1) $num = intel2Moto($num);
-	$result['SubIFDNumTags'] = hexdec($num);
-	for($i=0;$i<hexdec($num);$i++) {
-		read_entry($result, $in, $seek, $intel,'SubIFD', $globalOffset);
-	}
-	//Check for IFD1
-	if(!isset($result['IFD1Offset']) || $result['IFD1Offset']==0) {
-		fclose($in);
-		fclose($seek);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	//seek to IFD1
-	$v = fseek($in, $globalOffset+$result['IFD1Offset']);
-	if($v==-1) {
-		$result['Errors'] = $result['Errors']++;
-	}
-	//===========================================================Start of IFD1
-	$num = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	if($intel==1) $num = intel2Moto($num);
-	$result['IFD1NumTags'] = hexdec($num);
-	for($i=0;$i<hexdec($num);$i++) {
-		read_entry($result, $in, $seek, $intel,'IFD1', $globalOffset);
-	}
-	//Check for Interoperability IFD
-	if(!isset($result['SubIFD']['ExifInteroperabilityOffset']) || $result['SubIFD']['ExifInteroperabilityOffset']==0) {
-		fclose($in);
-		fclose($seek);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	//seek to InteroperabilityIFD
-	$v = fseek($in, $globalOffset+$result['SubIFD']['ExifInteroperabilityOffset']);
-	if($v==-1) {
-		$result['Errors'] = $result['Errors']++;
-	}
-	//===========================================================Start of InteroperabilityIFD
-	$num = bin2hex(fread( $in, 2 ));
-	if($intel==1) $num = intel2Moto($num);
-	$result['InteroperabilityIFDNumTags'] = hexdec($num);
-	for($i=0;$i<hexdec($num);$i++) {
-		read_entry($result, $in, $seek, $intel,'InteroperabilityIFD', $globalOffset);
-	}
-	fclose($in);
-	fclose($seek);
-	return $result;
+    $result['VerboseOutput'] = $verbose;
+        $result = exif_read_data($path, 0, false);
+    return $result;
+// Returns the human readable form of the EXIF data.
+function convert_exif_data($field, $data) {
+    switch($field) {
+        case 'ExposureMode';
+            switch($data) {
+                case 0: $data = 'Easy shooting'; break;
+                case 1: $data = 'Program'; break;
+                case 2: $data = 'Tv-priority'; break;
+                case 3: $data = 'Av-priority'; break;
+                case 4: $data = 'Manual'; break;
+                case 5: $data = 'A-DEP'; break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'XResolution':
+        case 'YResolution':
+            list($n, $d) = explode('/',$data);
+            $data = $n . ' pixels';
+            break;
+        case 'ExifImageWidth':
+        case 'ExifImageLength':
+            $data = $data . ' pixels';
+            break;
+        case 'Orientation':
+            switch($data) {
+                case 1: $data = 'Normal (O deg)'; break;
+                case 2: $data = 'Mirrored'; break;
+                case 3: $data = 'Upsidedown'; break;
+                case 4: $data = 'Upsidedown Mirrored'; break;
+                case 5: $data = '90 deg CW Mirrored'; break;
+                case 6: $data = '90 deg CCW'; break;
+                case 7: $data = '90 deg CCW Mirrored'; break;
+                case 8: $data = '90 deg CW'; break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'ExposureTime':
+            $data = $data . " sec";
+            break; 
+        case 'ShutterSpeedValue':
+            list($n, $d) = explode('/',$data);
+            $data = $n / $d;
+            $data = exp($data * log(2));
+            if ($data > 1) { $data = floor($data); }  //Do not take care of what is behind the coma.
+            if ($data < 1) {
+                $data = round(1/$data);
+            } else { 
+                $data = '1/'.$data; 
+            }
+            $data = $data . ' sec';
+            break;
+        case 'ApertureValue':
+        case 'MaxApertureValue':
+            list($n, $d) = explode('/',$data);
+            $data = $n / $d;
+            $data = exp(($data*log(2))/2);
+            $data = round($data, 1);//Focal is given with a precision of 1 digit.
+            $data='f '.$data;
+            break;
+        case 'FocalLength':
+            list($n, $d) = explode('/',$data);
+            $data = $n . " mm";
+            break;
+        case 'FNumber':
+            list($n, $d) = explode('/',$data);
+            $data='f '.round($n/$d,1);
+            break;
+        case 'ExposureBiasValue':
+            list($n, $d) = explode('/',$data);
+            if ($n!=0) {
+                $data=$data.' EV';
+            } else {
+                $data = '0 EV';
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'MeteringMode':
+            switch($data) {
+                case 0: $data = 'Unknown'; break;
+                case 1: $data = 'Average'; break;
+                case 2: $data = 'Center Weighted Average'; break;
+                case 3: $data = 'Spot'; break;
+                case 4: $data = 'Multi-Spot'; break;
+                case 5: $data = 'Multi-Segment'; break;
+                case 6: $data = 'Partial'; break;
+                case 255: $data = 'Other'; break;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'WhiteBalance':
+            switch ($data) {
+                case 0: $data = 'Auto'; break;
+                case 1: $data = 'Sunny'; break;
+                case 2: $data = 'Cloudy'; break;
+                case 3: $data = 'Tungsten'; break;
+                case 4: $data = 'Fluorescent'; break;
+                case 5: $data = 'Flash'; break;
+                case 6: $data = 'Custom'; break;
+                case 129: $data = 'Manual'; break;
+            }  
+            break;
+        case 'FocalLength':
+            $data = $data . ' mm';
+            break;
+        case 'Flash':
+            switch($data) {
+                case 0: $data = 'No Flash'; break;
+                case 1: $data = 'Flash'; break;
+                case 5: $data = 'Flash, strobe return light not detected'; break;
+                case 7: $data = 'Flash, strob return light detected'; break;
+                case 9: $data = 'Compulsory Flash'; break;
+                case 13: $data = 'Compulsory Flash, Return light not detected'; break;
+                case 15: $data = 'Compulsory Flash, Return light detected'; break;
+                case 16: $data = 'No Flash'; break;
+                case 24: $data = 'No Flash'; break;
+                case 25: $data = 'Flash, Auto-Mode'; break;
+                case 29: $data = 'Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light not detected'; break;
+                case 31: $data = 'Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light detected'; break;
+                case 32: $data = 'No Flash'; break;
+                case 65: $data = 'Red Eye'; break;
+                case 69: $data = 'Red Eye, Return light not detected'; break;
+                case 71: $data = 'Red Eye, Return light detected'; break;
+                case 73: $data = 'Red Eye, Compulsory Flash'; break;
+                case 77: $data = 'Red Eye, Compulsory Flash, Return light not detected'; break;
+                case 79: $data = 'Red Eye, Compulsory Flash, Return light detected'; break;
+                case 89: $data = 'Red Eye, Auto-Mode'; break;
+                case 93: $data = 'Red Eye, Auto-Mode, Return light not detected'; break;
+                case 95: $data = 'Red Eye, Auto-Mode, Return light detected'; break;
+                default: $data = 'Unknown: ' . $data;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'FileSize':
+            $data = $data . ' bytes';
+            break;
+        case 'SensingMethod':
+            switch($data) {
+                case 1: $data = 'Not defined'; break;
+                case 2: $data = 'One Chip Color Area Sensor'; break;
+                case 3: $data = 'Two Chip Color Area Sensor'; break;
+                case 4: $data = 'Three Chip Color Area Sensor'; break;
+                case 5: $data = 'Color Sequential Area Sensor'; break;
+                case 7: $data = 'Trilinear Sensor'; break;
+                case 8: $data = 'Color Sequential Linear Sensor'; break;
+                default: $data = 'Unknown: '.$data;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 'ColorSpace':
+            switch($data) {
+                case 1: $data = 'sRGB'; break;
+                default: $data = 'Uncalibrated';
+            }
+            break;
+    } 
+    return $data;
Index: templates/image/exif.inc
RCS file: /usr/local/horde/cvs/ansel/templates/image/exif.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 exif.inc
--- templates/image/exif.inc	14 Nov 2003 20:23:56 -0000	1.4
+++ templates/image/exif.inc	20 Jan 2004 21:57:17 -0000
@@ -9,23 +9,46 @@
 $output = '';
-if (empty($result['ValidEXIFData'])) {
+if (empty($result)) {
     $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2" class="text"><i>' . _("No embedded information found.") . '</i></td></tr>';
 } else {
-    $IDF0 = array('Make', 'Model', 'Orientation', 'xResolution', 'yResolution', 'ResolutionUnit', 'Software', 'DateTime', 'YCbCrPositioning');
-    $SubIDF = array('ExposureTime', 'FNumber', 'ExifVersion', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'DateTimedigitized', 'ComponentsConfiguration', 'ComponentsConfiguration', 'CompressedBitsPerPixel', 'ShutterSpeedValue', 'ApertureValue', 'MeteringMode', 'Flash', 'FocalLength', 'UserComment', 'ColorSpace', 'ExifImageWidth', 'ExifImageHeight', 'SensingMethod', 'FileSource');
+    // Array of EXIF fields to populate. 
+    // The key is the Exif field name, the value is the display name.
+    $ExifFields = array('Make' => 'Camera Make', 
+                        'Model' => 'Camera Model',  
+			'ImageType' => 'Image Type',
+       			'FileSize' => 'File Size',
+			'DateTime' => 'Image Taken', 
+			'ExifImageWidth' => 'Width', 
+			'ExifImageLength' => 'Height', 
+			'XResolution' => 'X Resolution',
+                  	'YResolution' => 'Y Resolution',	
+			'ShutterSpeedValue' => 'Shutter Speed', 
+			'ExposureTime' => 'Exposure', 
+			'FocalLength' => 'Focal Length', 
+			'ApertureValue' => 'Aperture',
+                  	'FNumber' => 'F-Number', 
+			'ISOSpeedRatings' => 'ISO Setting' , 
+			'ExposureBiasValue' => 'Exposure Bias', 
+			'ExposureMode' => 'Exposure Mode',
+			'MeteringMode' => 'Metering Mode', 
+			'Flash' => 'Flash Setting',
+                  	'UserComment' => 'User Comment', 
+			'ColorSpace' => 'Color Space', 
+			'SensingMethod' => 'Sensing Method', 
+			'WhiteBalance' => 'White Balance', 
+			'Orientation' => 'Camera Orientation',
+			'Copyright' => 'Copyright'
+		       );
-	foreach ($result['IFD0'] as $key => $value) {
-		if (in_array($key, $IDF0) && trim($value) != '') {
-            $output .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;$key</td><td>&nbsp;$value&nbsp;</td></tr>";
-        }
-	}
-	foreach ($result['SubIFD'] as $key => $value) {
-		if (in_array($key, $SubIDF) && trim($value) != '') {
-            $output .= "<tr><td>&nbsp;$key</td><td>&nbsp;$value&nbsp;</td></tr>";
-        }
-	}
+    $output = array();
+    $keys = array();
+    foreach ($ExifFields as $field => $desc) {
+        array_key_exists($field,$result) ?  $data = $result[$field] : $data = '';
+        if (trim($data) == '') { continue; }
+        $data = convert_exif_data($field,$data);
+        $output[] = "<tr><td class='item'><b>$desc</b>:</td<td class='item'>$data</td></td>";
+    }
-echo '<table width="100%">' . $output . '</table>';
+echo '<table>' . implode('',$output) . '</table>';

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