[ansel] OLT - passing variable into Horde_Image::watermark()

Heath S. Hendrickson heath at outerspaceconsultants.com
Fri Mar 19 11:02:30 PST 2004

I'm playing around with the fonts for watermarking, and having a dickens 
of a time getting a variable passed from image.php to 

 From image.php I'm calling

$image->watermark($watermark, null, null, $font);

I put in a notification output to make sure that I wasn't losing $font 
along the way, and it's still set.  But when I output the value of $font 
in Horde_Image/Image.php

    function watermark($text, $halign = 'right', $valign = 'bottom', 
$font = 'small')

no matter what value $font is set to when calling watemark, it always 
gets set to 'small'.  I know that it's getting set to 'small' because 
that's the default, but I can't figure out why it's not getting passed 
properly to begin with...

Any thoughts on how to debug this or what might be the problem are 


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