[ansel] gallery ordering issue

Heath S. Hendrickson heath at outerspaceconsultants.com
Thu Apr 1 09:11:35 PST 2004

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Ben Chavet <ben at chavet.net>:
>> Because of how Ansel uses the datatree driver (IE, the images are not 
>> really
>> children of the galleries), I think this functionallity should be put 
>> into
>> ansel itself.
> I agree - it makes things a bit sticky (the lack of a parent-child
> relationship), but seems necessary for subgallery purposes. So 
> DataTree won't
> really be able to handle this internally.
Here's some trickier questions (or is that stickier?) about the whole 
use of DataTree by Ansel.

Is there any good reason that DataTree was written to use only a single 
(okay, so it's really two) table as opposed to using dedicated tables 
for each application that uses the driver?  I know that a lot of the 
other Horde apps have their own tables in the database, why not Ansel or 
any of the apps that use DataTree... that would make DataTree more of a 
true driver as opposed to a storage engine like it is currently.  It 
would also allow for segmentation of the database (so you could have 
some applications use one server and other use another...for performance 

Also, what was the reason that there isn't a try parent->child 
relationship for Ansel (I thought that there was, but I haven't studied 
it that closely).  I don't see why it would be that difficult to do, you 
just need to flag what children are sub-galleries and which are images 
(i.e., using the existing "type" attribute).  Then you could just set up 
DataTree with a new function to query for certain object-types under a 
certain parent to get a listing of all sub-galleries and then another 
query to get all images.   This way you can keep the Ansel code a little 
more standard and you don't have lots of workarounds in the code (and it 
makes it easier to update DataTree if you don't have to keep in mind the 
customizations of Ansel).

Just wondering and still trying to learn about this stuff.


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