[ansel] No thumbnails in Ansel

Frederic Naud admin at naud.org
Wed Jul 16 00:21:51 UTC 2008


I'm a relatively new user of Horde, I've been using it for about 6  
months.  I would like to express my gratitude to everyone that  
contributes to the project, it's one great piece of software!  It's  
currently configured with Horde 3.2.1 with the July 1 release of Ansel.

My setup includes GD support in PHP but no Imagick Libraries (in  
test.php).  I do, however, have access to the Imagemagick Convert  
application (version 6.0.7).

The convert path has been entered in Horde's configuration.

When I add an image to a gallery in Ansel, no thumbnails are created.   
However, I am able to download the full image.

Looking at the Horde Log file, I see no errors.  I changed convert's  
path to something incorrect, at which time I then see errors in the  
log file when I add an image to the gallery (error running command).   
I've removed convert altogether from Horde's configuration and in this  
case I get (Jul 15 19:40:48 HORDE [emergency] [ansel] imagejpeg:  
Non-static method PEAR::raiseError() should not b
e called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context [pid  
20626 on line 45 of  
"/abunchofdirectories/horde/ansel/img/prettythumb.php"]) when I add an  
image to the gallery.

But again, with the correct path to convert, I get no error and no  
thumbnail.  Is there something I'm missing?  I apologize in advance if  
this has been covered, I read the archives for the list but didn't see  

Thanks in advance,


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