[ansel] Ansel H5 (3.0.0beta1) - Gallery problem visualization

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Jun 22 09:12:14 UTC 2013

Zitat von Claudio Mantegna <claudio.mantegna at gmail.com>:

> Hello All,
> as recommended by good Jan, separate list of my observations on the  
> new version of Ansel:
> If I create a Gallery "father" and then "move" in another gallery  
> father (of course the role of the gallery to move changes from
> "father" to "son"), the gallery moved does not display correctly  
> until I create inside the gallery "father" a "sub-gallery"
> without entering any photos.
> Again thank you all for your support and for the work you are doing,  
> hoping to be of help ....
> Regards,
> Claudio

Those are not tickets! Please go to bugs.horde.org.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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