[Tickets #14826] Calendar tags are not transfered to external apps
noreply at bugs.horde.org
noreply at bugs.horde.org
Sun Jun 24 12:55:51 UTC 2018
Ticket-URL: https://bugs.horde.org/ticket/14826
Ticket | 14826
Erstellt Von | mail at terpo.org
Zusammenfassung | Calendar tags are not transfered to external apps
Warteschlange | Kronolith
Version | 4.2.23
Typ | Bug
Status | Unconfirmed
Priorität | 2. Medium
Milestone |
Patch |
Zuständige |
mail at terpo.org (2018-06-24 12:55) hat geschrieben:
My web hoster is using horde for their user E-Mail Accounts and so on.
Personally, I am using the calendar functionallity to syncronize the
calendar to various computers.
Since last year (or so) something has changed with the category system
internally somehow because these aren't syncronized properly anymore.
I used the demo account at demo.horde.org to verify that problem.
What is the exact problem?
When creating an event (in Thunderbird or Rainlendar) and give this
event a category, then this event is created successfully in horde.
Looking it up through the web client tells me, that my category is now a tag.
Problem is now, that when restarting the local calendar app
(Thunderbird / Rainlendar) the data is fetched from horde again. With
this syncronization the category/tag is not transfered anymore. So
Thunderbird tells me that the event does not has any category at all.
With that all declared colors (for readability) are lost. With
Thunderbird and Rainlendar it is possible to connect a category to a
specific color.
I made some screenshots for my hoster (german, sorry^^)
Creating an event in Thunderbird https://i.imgur.com/gjFRYCq.png
Using the webclient: https://i.imgur.com/yHWUViW.png
After a restart of Thunderbird: https://i.imgur.com/Henrk1b.png
After a restart of Rainlendar: https://i.imgur.com/ZpAsBE0.png
How to test it for yourself?
Log in into your demo application and use demo / demo
Go to the calendar tab. There should be a calendar called tagTest
This calendar is public shared for read and write.
In Thunderbird, in the calendar tab, add a new calendar. Use the .ics
subscription method:
Don't give it a E-Mail address and when Thunderbird asks, give it the
login credentials (demo / demo).
Now it should be possible to read and create events. It should be
possible to create a event with a category and confirm the problem
I think most Calendar apps don't support multiple tags as categories.
Also, the category stuff was working until last year or so.
I hope this helps to unterstand the bug.
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