[chora] chora not working with mod_rewrite option

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Sep 9 07:49:24 PDT 2004

Quoting "Rob S.i.k.l.o.s" <rob2 at siklos.ca>:

> I have Chora (CVS near head) set up and working perfectly, until I change
> it's mode of operation to use mod_rewrite.
> In that case, the initial page loads fine, listing all the top level
> directories in my cvs repository, but if I click on one, apache throws me a
> not found error like:
>  The requested URL /var/www/cvs/horde/chora/browse.php/somedirectory/ was
> not found on this server.
> I'm guessing that I have to do something somewhere so that either Apache or
> the PHP module will ignore anything after ".php" in the URL when fetching
> the page.

Enable PATH_INFO in your webserver.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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