[dev] Building doc tree
Anil Madhavapeddy
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 17:48:42 +0100
Rich Lafferty wrote:
> I just checked out docs and tried to build the HTML tree, but it's
> failing;
> $ make html
> jade -i lang-en -d ./html.dsl -V use-output-dir -t sgml
> ./phpdocxml.dcl ./manual.xml
> jade:./html.dsl:1:73:W: cannot generate system identifier for
> public text "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN"
Your copy of Jade doesnt have its standard DSSSL identifiers in the
system SGML catalog file.
What OS are you using? FreeBSD sorts this out if you install
jade from ports, and OpenBSD will do that as of about a month
ago as well.
Not sure about Linux, but look for a file called 'catalog'
that's set as the default catalog in your SGML tree.
Anil Madhavapeddy / "I told you not to flush that!"
anil@recoil.org / Stern Lecture Plumbing