[dev] Feature request

Max Kalika max@the-triumvirate.net
Sat, 20 Jan 2001 15:17:48 -0800

Quoting Dan Brown <danb35@earthlink.net>:

> 1.  The ability to apply filters whenever the inbox (or navigator, I
> guess) refreshes.  I suppose this should be configurable as a preference,
> like the "apply filters at login" is.

This has been discussed, but I think it was decided that it would cause too 
serious of a performance hit.  To put it in perspective, the current filtering 
system runs an imap_search() for every rule and for every field within the 
rule.  So if you have 5 rules and one of those has 3 fields checked off, you're 
doing 7 imap_search()es for every time you apply the rules.  If you have your 
refresh set to every 5 minutes, thats quite a load.  But that is for just one 
person.  If you have 20 people with similar rules hitting the server all the 
time with imap_search(), the machine won't be able to keep up for too long.  
You throw an inefficient imap server like UW to the mix and it becomes tragic.  
I'm not a fan of giving people a loaded gun. :-)  Thoughts?

> 2.  A bit more flexibility in the filters.  In particular, I'd like the
> ability to match if something is _not_ found--for example, if the To or Cc
> does not contain my address, after filtering all the mailing list messages,
> toss it in a spam folder.

Sounds doable, I'll get to it shortly.

> Along with that, it'd be nice to match To or CC with a single rule, and to 
> provide alternatives 

I've put this off long enough.  Try what I just commited.  (This was originally 
suggested by Anil).
