[dev] Re: [imp] RE : Passsword Server :111 (Connection Refused)

Brent J. Nordquist bjn@horde.org
Wed, 14 Feb 2001 09:50:40 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Rich Lafferty <rich@horde.org> wrote:

> Since the worst thing that can happen with $SERVER_NAME/106 is a user
> who's already logged in trying to connect to the poppassd on the mail
> server they have an account on

Yeah, and of course, if these settings are broken so that you can't get to
the daemon from IMP, you can still get to it any other way.

> any objections to changing that to sane defaults?

Makes sense to me.

Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org>
Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942