I added new features, where can I send what I do ?

PHP php@rednet.com.ar
Thu, 15 Feb 2001 11:08:21 -0300


Sorry my english, I'm from Argentine.

I hope this is the right place for the little work that I did
I added some features to IMP (I'm still testing) to prevent SPAMing:

- Limit the size of attachments (It's working)
- Limit the numbers of email addreses in TO, CC and BCC (It's working)
- Limit to change the "domain name" in the "from" (compose/preferences) (*)
- Limit to change the "from" only on compose (*) (Testing)
- Limit the numbers of mails sent by day (*)(**) (Testing)
- Limit the SIZE of mails (*)(**) (Testing)
- Limit the SIZE of mails sent by day (*)(**) (Testing)

(*) It requires the automatic creation of the preferences record
(**) It requires a DB change

If you are interested, I can send the code to where you tell me.

Pablo Murillo
Internet Solutions
Paraguay 419 Piso 2 Of.5
(C1057AAC) - Capital
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel & Fax:(011)4315-3269