[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: imp/scripts/db impPrefsObject.ldap
Chuck Hagenbuch
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 23:28:30 -0500
Quoting "Edwin L. Culp" <eculp@EnContacto.Net>:
> I agree with you completely. I'm certainly going to be doing the same for
> preferences, contacts in turba and hopefully for all authentication, horde,
> imap, etc. I need all the help I can get:-) Substituting LDAP for
> multiple
> files/db's seems to be a general and very logical trend, but I haven't
> found
> many projects that facilitate its use where on the other hand, mysql is
> cut,
> dried and packaged with a pretty blue ribbon for the uninitiated user
> everywhere. It looks like a competitive advantage for the Horde project.
> In
> fact, the "Scalable Webmail HOWTO" is what caused my initial interest in
> IMP.
LDAP is by no means going away; this was just one outdated file that wasn't
going to do anyone any good.
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11