Confirmation page for monthly maintenance operations

Michael M Slusarz
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 22:37:34 -0600

OK - did some coding (thanks for the input everyone) and this is what I have 
come up with - the confirmation page for the monthly operations.

Here's the screenshot in all its glory:

* This screen appears when you login AND it is the first time you have logged 
in that month - it appears before anything else.  (files parsed to get to this 
point: redirect.php [redirect to -->] mailbox.php [redirect to -->] monthly.php)

* Clicking on 'Continue Login' takes you to mailbox.php - any tasks you have 
clicked on the confirmation page are now done with output sent to 
Horde::raiseMessage (this is the same behavior as my previous path).

* All of the numbers/mailbox names you see on the confirmation page are 
dynamically generated from $prefs values.  Only those operations you have 
checked in the preferences page show up in the confirmation page.  This page 
will NEVER be shown if you do not have any monthly maintenance operations 
checked in your preferences.

I think this takes care of some of the concerns I heard.  let me know if there 
are any more, or if there is anything that i may be missing.  I'm going to beat 
away at the code for a day or so and make sure there are no bugs.


Michael Slusarz []
The University of Colorado at Boulder