[dev] horde framework

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 12:56:35 -0400

Quoting Lucas Rockwell <lr@meer.net>:

> does someone have any diagrams or even an ERD that describes how the various
> tables for horde and imp relate to reach other? in particular, what tables
> are needed for imp? the DATABASE document that comes with imp-2.3.6 does not
> really say much. a full list of the database tables and what they do and how
> imp interacts with them and when would be awesome. also, where do i configure
> the database information for imp?

Horde lets you configure each backend seperately. So there is no "you need these
database tables"; just "if you're using SQL for x, you need y". We're working on
the documentation; for the most part db scripts are in horde/scripts/db/*.sql.

> and my two cents says that there should be one database with a set of common
> tables for ALL horde apps. you log into horde, you are logged into the other
> apps, including imp. horde appears to be a portal, but without this
> functionality it falls short. when a user logs into horde they may not want
> to check their mail immediately, but it would be cool to know if they had any
> new messages or not. and if they don't have any messages, why waste the time
> loading the inbox when all they really wanted was someone's address?

I'm going to work on letting IMP use Horde auth, but it's an option, and it's
_not_ something for everything. The problem with what you describe is it's not a
"take what you want" approach, it's a "you get the kitchen sink whether you like
it or not". We want better integration, yes, but not at the expense of people
being able to pick and choose and have just a webmail installation if that's
what they need.

> i say this because this is what i really want: a portal. i want a framework
> that someone can log into, and at a glance see various things from the
> various other applications: do they have new mail? what's on their calendar
> for today? what are the headlines of the news they subscribed to? etc. maybe
> horde isn't what i'm looking for. it has so many wonderful aspects so it
> would be great if i could use it. but maybe it isn't right for what i want to
> do.

I think Horde is close to what you want; if you're patient and make constructive
suggestions and even better submit some patches, it'll get there even more quickly.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in the
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin