[dev] Sessions expires

Federico Giannici giannici@neomedia.it
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 16:32:53 +0000

Eric Rostetter wrote:
> Quoting Federico Giannici <giannici@neomedia.it>:
> > > Check your garbage collection settings in PHP4.  Garbage collection
> > > can "clean" out the session, causing the same problem.
> >
> > The problem still happens, occasionally but happens!
> So it is better with a larger setting?

I don't have precise measures.
Sometimes somebody comes to me and say "hey, the session has been closed
and I have lost the mail I was sending!!!"...

> > I have verified that cookies have timeout 0, and I have raised the
> > "session.gc_maxlifetime" value to 3600.
> In order to help solve this, way back when I set mine to:
> session.gc_maxlifetime = 7200           ; garbage collection is now 2 hour
> session.gc_probability = 25             ; percentage chance for gc each call

Now I have put even longer values, let's see what happens...

> > I'm sure that the problem happens before an our of inactivity (even
> > after a few minutes). The client PC clock is correct.
> I don't think it means that sessions are killed when they reach
> gc_maxlifetime, I think it means at every maxlifetime interval it will
> try to cleanup sessions.

No, I think that this is controlled by "session.gc_probability".

> Not sure though -- I think I refered you to
> www.php.net last time for details?  (Maybe I should look there too)

I looked at it, but didn't found any precise response...

> > The problem is really annoying (the composed mail is irremediably
> > lost!), so I have to absolutely solve it!
> Yes, that is a problem.  Newer versions of IMP have much better handling
> of this.  Each upgrade I've done made this better, and I've not had
> any trouble/complaints for a long time now...  (Not like when 3.0 came
> out and I was getting *lots* of complaints about this)
> > But I have no idea how I can debug it...
> > Any suggestion?
> What version of Horde and IMP are you using again?


   |-                      giannici@neomedia.it
   |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

        Amministratore unico - NEOMEDIA sas