[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: kronolith/lib base.php horde/lib Share.php mnemo/lib base.php nag/lib base.php

eculp@encontacto.net eculp@encontacto.net
Mon Nov 11 16:24:02 2002

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
 |   - Since things haven't really been shaken up enough recently (<g>):
 |     * the Share class is rewritten now. Old shares should continue to show
 | up,

FWIW, mine don't show up anymore.  Possibly I need to do a little more
investigating.  As of now, I have only updated from cvs and updated all 
the conf/*.dist files.  The events are still safely and securely ;-)
in kronolith_events that I will purge later if I can't figure a way to
access them.  This isn't important for me but may be for others.

 |       but permissions on them will have gone away.
 |     * Shares no longer create a Group per share, and now store their
 | permissions
 |       internally.

I just created another group calendar with the new code and the UI doesn't
seem to have changed at all.  I can see no difference.  Only my new 
shared calendar can be accessed although I'm not sure why yet.



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