[dev] Category issue w/HEAD between Dec 4 23:59 GMT and Dec 5 11:59 GMT.

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Sun Dec 8 05:01:02 2002

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

 | Quoting eculp@encontacto.net:
 | > I have tried three clean head installations on different platforms with
 | > the following significant problems.
 | >   Trying to create a subgroup in horde administration I see the
 | > following:
 | >     'TEST' was not created: DB Error: constraint violation.
 | You need to figure out what that contraint violation _is_. I just added
 | somewhat more rigourous error logging to the SQL categories driver; that may
 | help you track this down.
 | I just tried a fresh categories table on my laptop, and had no problems
 | creating subgroups, adding bookmarks, anything, all from a completely empty
 | table. Without a more concrete (SQL) error message, I can't help you any
 | further than that. Sorry.

Thanks, Chuck.  I'll give it a try with the changes and see if I can finally
track it down.  The sources from Dec 4, 23:59 work fine and from Dec. 5 to 
date don't with the same database.  I'm sure I'm missing something.

Thanks again,



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