[dev] Using Horde Forms

Ian P. Christian pookey at pookey.co.uk
Thu Apr 17 18:48:04 PDT 2003

Hello again all.

Still hacking away at horde, trying to add nss_mysql support.  I've added the
ability to have extra user data stored along with a user too!  This is done via
a file in horde/conf called user_attributes.php, which specifies the fields
that are to be stored along with the user.  Hacking signup to use this system
is trivial!  I've also created a nss_mysql login driver to support adding users
to nss_mysql. anyway.....

I'm trying to figure out how to use horde forms to give me <select> form fields.
 I have got as far as this.. but I think there is something wrong.

$attributes['shell'] = array(
    'label'  => _("Test"),
    'type'   => 'enum',
    'required' => false,
    'params' => array('1' => 'moo',
                      '2' => 'foo',
                      '3' => 'bar'),
    'selected' => 'foo'

Is there any documentation on Horde Forms?

Many Thanks,

Ian P. Christian :: pookey at pookey.co.uk :: http://pookey.co.uk
Pengus Hosting Solutions
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