[dev] new third party for login

steve mailling at gmx.co.uk
Fri Jun 27 08:52:09 PDT 2003


I developed a new way to work with login from a web site (the goal is to 
add new services from other web sites).

Here is url.php that has to be in lib/auth/
  * The Auth_url:: class checks login credentials against a login/password
  * feature of a web site
  * $Horde: horde/lib/Auth/yahoo.php,v 1.7 2003/06/19 18:47:45 chuck Exp $
  * Copyright 1999-2003 Stephane Huther <smailling at free.fr>
  * Required values for $params:
  *   'login_url'		Url of the login page (without http://)
  *   'logout_url'		Url of the logout page (without http://)
  *   'https'			True if https has to be used
  *   'usernamefield'	Name of the 'username' field
  *   'passwordfield'	Name of the 'password' field
  *   'method'			Method (POST, ...)
  *   'allowRedirects'	Allow redirections
  * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
  * did not receive this file, see yahoo://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lgpl.html.
  * @author  Stephane Huther <smailling at free.fr>
  * @version $Revision: 1.7 $
  * @since   Horde 3.0
  * @package horde.auth
class Auth_url extends Auth {

      * Constructs a new Url authentication object.
      * @access public
      * @param optional array $params  A hash containing parameters.
     function Auth_url($params = array())
         $this->_params = $params;

      * Find out if a set of login credentials are valid.
      * @access private
      * @param string $userID       The userID to check.
      * @param array  $credentials  The credentials to use.
      * @return boolean  Whether or not the credentials are valid.
     function _authenticate($userID, $credentials)
		if (!isset($this->_params['login_url'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'login_url' not specified in 
authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (!isset($this->_params['logout_url'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'logout_url' not specified in 
authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (!isset($this->_params['https'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'https' not specified in 
authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (!isset($this->_params['usernamefield'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'usernamefield' not specified 
in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (!isset($this->_params['passwordfield'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'passwordfield' not specified 
in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (!isset($this->_params['method'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'method' not specified in 
authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (!isset($this->_params['allowRedirects'])) {
			Horde::fatal(PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'allowRedirects' not specified 
in authentication configuration.")), __FILE__, __LINE__);

         $options['method'] = $this->_params['method'];
         $options['timeout'] = 5;
         $options['allowRedirects'] = $this->_params['allowRedirects'];

         require_once 'HTTP/Request.php';
		if ($this->_params['https']) {
			$url='https://' . $this->_params['login_url'] ;
		} else {
			$url='http://' . $this->_params['login_url'] ;

         $http = &new HTTP_Request($url, $options);

         $http->addPostData($this->_params['usernamefield'], $userID);

         $result = $http->sendRequest();
         if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
             $result = $result->getMessage();
         } else {
             $result = $http->getResponseBody();

		$login_status=$this->_checkauthenticate($userID, $credentials, $result);
         if (is_a($login_status, 'PEAR_Error') || !$login_status ) {
             Horde::logMessage($result, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;

      * Analyse the result page after the login to check if the lgin 
procedure is fine.
	 * Must be overwritten
      * @access private
      * @param string $userID       The userID to check.
      * @param array  $credentials  The credentials to use.
      * @param object $result	   Result from $http->getResponseBody()
      * @return boolean  Whether or not the credentials are valid.
     function _checkauthenticate($userID, $credentials, $result)
         return PEAR::raiseError('unsupported');


-- Here is a new yahoo.php
-- I didn't provide a diff since the file doesn't change so often and the 
changes are important
  * The Auth_yahoo:: class checks login credentials against Yahoo! mail
  * accounts.
  * $Horde: horde/lib/Auth/yahoo.php,v 1.7 2003/06/19 18:47:45 chuck Exp $
  * Copyright 1999-2003 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
  * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
  * did not receive this file, see yahoo://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lgpl.html.
  * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
  * @version $Revision: 1.7 $
  * @since   Horde 3.0
  * @package horde.auth

require_once $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('fileroot', $app) . 
'/lib/Auth/' .'url.php';

class Auth_yahoo extends Auth_url {

      * Constructs a new Yahoo authentication object.
      * @access public
      * @param optional array $params  A hash containing parameters.
     function Auth_yahoo($params = array())
         $this->_params = $params;
		$this->_params['login_url'] = 'login.yahoo.com/config/login';
		$this->_params['logout_url'] = '';
		$this->_params['https'] = false;
		$this->_params['usernamefield'] = 'login';
		$this->_params['passwordfield'] = 'passwd';
		$this->_params['method'] = 'POST';
		$this->_params['allowRedirects'] = true;

      * Analyse the result page after the login to check if the lgin 
procedure is fine.
	 * Must be overwritten
      * @access private
      * @param string $userID       The userID to check.
      * @param array  $credentials  The credentials to use.
      * @param object $result	   Result from $http->getResponseBody()
      * @return boolean  Whether or not the credentials are valid.
	 function _checkauthenticate($userID, $credentials, $result)
         if (!preg_match('|invalid password|i', $result)) {
             return true;
		return false;


What do you think about it? What do you think about the place of url.php in 
the tree?


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