[dev] whishlist.......

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jul 28 19:45:58 PDT 2003

Quoting Ruben van der Steenhoven <ruben_donotspamme at webmeesters.nl>:

> Fist thing on my list would be the ability to start some applications
> from imp in their own pop-up window (like the message composer).
> For instance: if i decide i want to blacklist someone based on a message
> i received, i'd rather not be thrown into Ingo all the way, but rather
> add the blacklist-item there and return to my old position.
> Other examples may be adding notes in mnemo (to wich i'll come later),
> adding appointments, meetings or tasks.
> well... i guess you get my drift here...

Popups are a fierce matter of debate, but as options this might be quite useful
- I certainly wouldn't want to live without the compose window in a seperate
window, etc.

> Next thing would be the possibility of linking items, what came to my
> mind first, was  the possibility to link a note to an e-mail, but when
> you think it out, other items may come in handy too.

We actually already have the Horde_Links api to do this - it shouldn't be very
hard to tie IMP and Mnemo together with it at all.

> What are your suggestions on this? Anyone who can take this on? I am
> willing to help as far as i can...

See http://dev.horde.org/ ; the Links api, for example, isn't terribly
complicated, so if you want to work on it, ask questions here, and go for it!


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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