[dev] Re: whishlist.......

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jul 30 13:31:52 PDT 2003

Quoting Ruben van der Steenhoven <ruben_donotspamme at webmeesters.nl>:

> you've got yourself a newbie Horde developer here... :)
> I dived into the sources of Horde_Links, as i couldn't find anything
> about Links on dev.horde.org (perhaps i am looking in the wrong place),

Yeah, it looks like the docs aren't being updated right now.

> If i want to attach a (new) note to a message i need to perform the
> following steps(?)
> 1. Either from inside the message, or the message list, click a
>     control.
> 2. That control saves the info of the message on hand and pops
>     up a new note editor.
> 3a. when the user clicks the "Save" button, the info of the message
>      is tied to the info of the message
> 4b. the normal save routine of the note is activated and the pop-up
>      is closed.
> 3b. when the user presses "Cancel", the save message-info is discarded
> 4b. the normal cancel routine for the note is handled and the pop-up
>      is closed.

That's not really how the current links work, but it's a possibility, and
linking to new items would definitely be good to do.

Take a look at the links between Nag and Turba (and the addlink.php scripts) to
see how the current code works.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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