[dev] IMP login template...

Nuno Loureiro nuno at co.sapo.pt
Sun Aug 3 17:02:19 PDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 23:49, nuno at co.sapo.pt wrote:

> Still in the login template I was thinking what to do with the header and
> footer. Probably it makes sense to include them in the template, so an HTML
> editor sees a well formed page and it'll make it easy to download the CSS and
> see a more closed version of what it would be.
> Mailbox will also be cool to convert, because it'll make me to put my hands  in
> the general layout of IMP (menu, message list). It'd be cool, and it's one of
> the purposes of templating, to let the designer move around the basic elements
> of the layout.

Digging a little more in this subject, here's what I was trying to
explain in my last mail:

(see Master Templates)

My ideia is to have 1 or 2 master template(s). If 2, it's one for pages
with menu, and one for pages without. Or maybe only have one and set
menu to empty if we're requesting a page without menu.

I think this will give designers enough freedom to play with imp's
layout, no? :-)

Nuno Loureiro <nuno at co.sapo.pt>
PTM.com - http://www.sapo.pt/
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